The Bloodbath (Also Day 1)

Start from the beginning

I wish my sister Navie hadn't refused to volunteer for me in the first place.

Now that I'm out of the chaos, I'm really bored. I take the bow and arrows that Jackson managed to swipe; even though he doesn't use one, I'm guessing he grabbed it just in case he didn't manage to get his big hammer. Which he didn't. "I'm going to find some tributes to kill," I announce, and begin walking.

Hunter Junke's (District 12) P.O.V:

I've got to get back home for Laela. That's what I am telling myself as I'm stumbling along further and further away from the volcano, mouth parched, limbs aching from running. I didn't get anything from the Cornucopia, so right now I'm just trying to get out of this bare, rocky climate to someplace slightly somewhat more fertile where I have a chance of finding some food. I close my eyes, knowing I need a rest, but urge myself to keep walking.

But then there isn't ground anymore.

I open my eyes and realized that I've just stepped off a bottomless-seeming cliff, most likely at the edge of the arena.

I'm sorry, Laela.

Emma Sparks's (District 2) P.O.V:

BOOM. Cardinal and I hear a loud cannon go off. Someone is dead.

Being partners with him is actually working out pretty well. Cardinal actually managed to loot some stuff from the Cornucopia, so now we've got some bread and water. And jelly. Somehow he got jelly. So we've got some food to fuel us for the next few days of hardship.

Cardinal's actually quite kind, too. He may spend most of the time with his hands by his mouth and staring off into space, but he doesn't get mad or frustrated at all. Not that I've done anything to provoke him, but I don't think that's the way he'll react.

I always knew he'd be a valuable ally.

Night falls, and I root through the backpack that we got for the blanket. It's actually quite cold out, though I'm sure the Careers inside the volcano are boiling hot. Serves them right; I hate Careers.

I'm not quite sure how it happened, but I guess Cardinal didn't see them coming, and I was leaning over, but somehow, an arrow's suddenly stuck in the back of my neck.

Armada Semper's (District 7) P.O.V:

I smile. I just managed to kill someone. Go ahead and tell them judging b*tches that. Serves them right for giving me a zero. I just proved them wrong.

I remember that that girl had a partner when he comes running at me. I raise the bow again, ready to shoot. He manages to tackle me before I can release and wrenches the bow from me, but then I am able to stand up, and I start running back to where Jackson and I made camp.

Thankfully, he doesn't chase me.

Linus Flanigan's (District 10) P.O.V:

The rock I'm laying on is slightly uncomfortable. But if that's the worst thing that's happening right now and I'm in the Hunger Games, I'm pretty darn lucky.

Somehow my hand has entwined with Vanilla's. I glance over at her and smile. If we were back home, carefree, just gazing up at the stars for the sake of gazing up at the stars, it would be a lot more peaceful. But we're not. We're waiting to see the faces of the dead.

The Capitol anthem startles Vanilla as it begins to play; I can feel her jump at little at the unexpected noise. The faces begin to flash by. The girl from 2, I think her name was Emma. The girl from 3 with the alliance. The boy from 4 and the punching boy from 5, Ricardo, was his name. The pretty girl from 6. The guy from 7 and the guy from 8. Both tributes from 11. Finally, the boy from 12, the one with the girlfriend, flashes by, and the images fade from the night sky.

I am extremely thankful that neither Vanilla's nor my face is up there.

All Day 1 Deaths:

Emma Sparks, District 2

Angel Mist, District 3

Cop Sesame, District 4

Ricardo Sonicare, District 5

Selma Frisch, District 6

Highway Scruff, District 7

Seymour Higgins, District 8

Shakita Norton, District 11

Brett Tinman, District 11

Hunter Junke, District 12

A/N: Please do NOT submit any tributes yet if I killed yours. I need to make an announcement at the end of these Games that may make you reconsider what District to place your next tribute in.

Sorry about any deaths! :(

Also, updates will be back to normal again. ;)


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