Chapter 6

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"Hey, you made it!!!" Michelle squealed.

"I wouldn't miss it." Haley said as they embraced.

"Well, Hi, Miranda and Roxanne, how are you guys doing?"

Miranda and I gave her a long, cold, blank stare.

"I'm sorry, Michelle, they're so excited about their candy, they forgot their manners, right girls?"

"Yeah." I said weakly.

"Sure." Miranda mumbled.

"Oh, its cool, hey guess who's here?"



"No way, The Gabriel?!?!"

"The one and only."

Miranda and I rolled our eyes as Haley and Michelle jumped around squealing.

"Oh my God, do you think he'll like my costume?" Asked Haley.

"Heck yeah, he'd be crazy not to."

"Look, you two, we're meeting at this spot at exactly 11:30, so we can do what we talked about, okay?"

"Yes." Miranda and I said with annoyance.

"Miranda, promise me you won't act like that when you're 15."

"If I do, shoot me."

We figured it was a long shot but we walked around to see if there was anyone there our age. We assumed Michelle's little sisters, Sarah 9, and Olivia 6, were at my best friend Susan's house. Oh, how I wish I could be there instead of here with a bunch of weird looking teenagers.

"I didn't know one person could have so many tattoos." I said in awe.

"Or piercings." Miranda exclaimed.

"What would Daddy say?"

"I don't know but I'm about to find out. I'm leaving." Said Miranda.

"Oh no, you're not leaving me, I'm coming too."

We had made it to the front lawn when everybody started running out of Michelle's house and jumping on their bikes. We stared in confusion until we saw Haley.

"What's going on?" Asked Miranda.

"We're going to the house on the hill."

"The same house we sneaked into and was told to get out by a scary voice?" I asked.

"The one and only."

"Haley, have you lost your mind?" Miranda exclaimed, "We almost killed each other, do you really want to go through that again?"

"I'm sure that was a one time thing."

"Haley, I love you but I will not be involved in this, I'm telling Daddy." I said.

"Fine, go ahead, I'll have more fun without you guys anyway."

We watched Haley get on her bike and join the crowd.

"I couldn't live with myself if something happened to Haley and I did nothing to stop it." I said.

"Me either, let's go get our bikes." Miranda said with a groan. 

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