Video Games: Form (Gwen Minty)

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Name: Gwen Minty

Gender: Female

Age: 13
Number: 13

Appearance: Gwen is smaller than average for her age, but is still quite pretty to be classed as a 'nerd'. Her silky blonde hair hangs in the small of her back but it matches her pale skin. Her eyes are bright hazel and intelligent, they are round and innocent like most tweens. She has a few feminine curves for her age but not overly chubby, in fact, Gwen is quite thin. She has long nails, which are painted different colours every week. This week she happens to have on blood red nail polish. She is usually seen wearing denim shorts with a t shirt with her favourite Pokemon or something to do with minecraft, today she has a pale pink shirt with cyndaquil on it. 
Personality: Gwen is sort of shy but is very bubbly when she knows the person. She has a need to please people and hates being wrong or getting beaten. She is a good problem solver but tends to work on her own, not making her good in a team. She gets scared easily which is why she hates the game Skyrim.

Background/ Family: Gwen plays lots of video games so she can zone out her parents, as an only child she got lots of attention at a young age, but now that her parents are finding their differences she finds it easier to block their yelling out when she plays a game on the laptop. She is waiting until she turns 16, so she can move out straight away.
Likes: Indoors, PC games and nintendo games, maths

Dislikes: art, the outdoors, being beaten by someone in a game or proved wrong.
Favourite Video Game: Battlefield 2

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