Misfortune: Task 5 (Aaron Cooper) D10 *Semi Finals*

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** Task - Jetpack Joyride **

I wasn't quite sure where I was leading them. I didn't tell them that, of course. I wanted to be far enough from that contraption, but close enough to get to it easily. We walked all night, just to let them know that we were far away, when in fact, we were not. Whytt hadn't killed anyone, there were no canons. Which could mean that our lovely sadistic friends, the Gamemakers, will be getting bored. They really need some new tricks. We all know that when they get bored, they come up with a twist. A fun twist would be a small room with ropes. We could choke and strangle eachother until everyone went purple in the face. We could live off eachothers flesh, eyeballs couldn't taste that bad.... A huge beam of lightning struck to the center of the arena. The Cornocopia. I cursed under my breath. Twirling my knife in thought.

"Probably that Whytte guy," Niles said behind me,

"Only one way to find out," I spun on my heel. I wanted to go back to the corpse anyway. He seemed like a good way to kill everyone.

"Woah, woah," Niles ran in front of me. I was seriously considering cutting his nose off and sticking it up his backside, "I didn't walk all this way just to turn around and go back to the walking dead," I could always go alone and leave them to die. Like Tess said earlier, we didn't need them anymore. But it would be a hard time to leave them without any suspicion. I could kill them, but my stupid brain knows them too well. This is what I mean, no alliance equals no problem. I snapped at him.

"You want to let his contraption ruin the arena and kill us all," I paused "I didn't think so, so unless you want your throat slit by Whytt, or possibly me, I suggest that you help. Otherwise you can shove this alliance up your big fat ar-"

"I think we've heard enough," Niles hissed, "Lead the way, almighty one," I was thankful he cut in, I didn't want to swear in front of Tess, even though I'm sure she's heard me a million times.

"Can't you guys stop fighting for just one minute?" Tessa sighed, "Seriously, you're like two little girls arguing," I smiled but turned away to hide it. Cheeky little devil.

"You just got told," Zane laughed, I shot him a glare and his grin quickly faded. He was so close to getting his head ripped off. I led the way, Tess came and caught up to me. It was silent for a few moments, but I broke it in a whisper.

"You ever tell me to lay off again, you won't have a head," I threatened. I caught her small smile. She didn't reply to me. I took her little hand, I would never hurt her. Tess knew that, well, I hope she did. Otherwise she'll think of me like I was in the training room, a creep.

It didn't take long to get back to the clearing I found Tess in. Whytt wasn't anywhere to be seen, but I could see the other tributes. All 5 of them. I considered killing them for a moment but a boy got my attention. He sprinted out, he was going fast, he stepped onto the center. He was scanning for any threats but it didn't matter. A huge beam came down on him, and when the beam disappeared, he was gone. Maybe Whytt was trying to help us. I wasn't sure how this thing worked, but what if it took us out of here. No canons, meant it was safe. It was just a matter of figuring out how it worked. I could already see the skin melting off Tessa and dripping onto the metal plate. I came to a decision.

"We're going in?" I said. I moved to Zane immediately, knowing he would protest. He hates changing things. I sighed, "Look, no canons have gone, so I'm going to assume that it is safe. Besides, we have to get out somehow," I waited, hoping at least someone would agree.

"He's right," Niles said, "We have to go fast though, I'll take Zane. We have to sprint,"

Okay," I nodded, my plan worked. I should be nice more often. Tessa grabbed my hand.

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