The Evil Pigeon and the Cray Cray Cow

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 Harry’s P.O.V

“Okay boys you ready for the huge concert?” our manager, Paul asks us. We nod to our manager. Niall stares at his donut, which he had managed to fall in love with in the last three minutes. It was a vanilla sprinkled donut, it looked really delicious but Niall was refusing to eat it, saying it was the most beautiful donut ever.

We were in our dressing room, getting ready to perform to the queen’s dog, Pooper the Majesty. It was a huge honor to perform to the Royal Pooper, he even has his own crown! Like, it’s such a huge privilege.

Suddenly I hear “AHH! BIRD!!!” And I turn around to see Zayn and Liam running away from a beautiful pigeon with red lipstick on it’s beak and it was wearing cool Guess cream-colored heels. Zayn and Liam have a huge fear of pigeons and they were frantically running around the room, trying to get away from it. Niall was still sitting on a chair taking pictures with his donut.

Louis however, was the complete opposite, he was chasing the sexy pigeon around and then something happened, that made my mouth drop open. The pigeon decided to take a poop on Louis, as in it literally pooped on Louis head.

“AHHHHHH!!!” Louis shouts, running around with his hands hovering over the white gloop on his head. The pigeon coo’s and then flies out of the window again, leaving behind a dreamy Niall and his donut, Zayn and Liam who are still breathing hard from their run and Louis who is still running around in circles, his hands hovering over his head.

“IT BURNS!” Louis shouts and Niall soon sighs muttering,

“Oh donut, you’re so beautiful I just wanna kiss you.”

“Louis, it shouldn’t be-“ I start to say but I get cut off when Louis’ face goes pale and the poop on his head starts flowing all down his body and covering it up with the gooey substance.

“EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!” Liam, Zayn and I course, staring as suddenly Louis’ whole shape changes into some four legged animal.

“VAS HAPPENIN TO LOUIS?” Zayn screams and covers his eyes as the white stuff cracks off Louis’-was body and we’re staring at…a cow.

Louis the cow moo’s and Paul our manager screams like a girl.

“LOUIS!? OH MY GOD!!” Paul screams running around and shrieking, eventually running into the wall, and he just faints over there, and none of us pay attention to him. We’re all too busy staring at the cow in front of us, well Louis in front of us. He doesn’t look like any regular cow with white skin and brown spots, Louis cow is blue, like a really light blue, which I guess comes from his eyes, and he has a rainbow on his back, with clouds at the ends. He also had random carrots floating everywhere. Louis moo’s again and we all jump back again.

“OH MY GOD. THE CONCERT IS IN 5 MINUTES AND LOUIS IS A COW.” Liam shrieks, pacing back and forth while Niall sighs.

“HOW DO WE TURN HIM BACK?” Zayn says, starting to hyperventilate.

“What if he doesn’t turn back?”

“What if he can’t sing his solo? AND HE ONLY MOO’S?!”

“GUYS GUYS GUYS! CALM YOUR HORMONES I KNOW YOU HIT PUBERTY RECENTLY LIAM BUT CALM YOUR HORMONES!” I shout, trying to calm them down. Liam and Zayn stand in front of me with cautious looks on their faces.

“Now. We need to calm down, and think about what we can do to help Louis.” Harry says.

“Mooooooo.” Louis moo’s moving to the book shelf and prodding it with his head. I stare at him in confusion and he snorts nudging the bookshelf again with his head, almost making it fall down.

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