chpt 3

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A/N so i had a random idea while i was working on this next chapter... spike + Buffy +baby. not their baby cuz that would be taking the story way out of line. there can only be one crazy miracle kid. i was thinking more along the lines of an abandoned baby thing... big bad + parenthood.... if its there it wont come tell like way later but i'd love to hear pples ideas on it. nothing set in stone though. 


Buffy stood in the gym surrounded by fifteen new slayers and the same amount of watchers-in-training, the floor was covered in mats and the walls were lined with every weapon a slayer might use. The gym was large enough for all thirty current students to train and work out. During the day the fifteen slayers and some of the watchers-to-be studied with Giles and Willow when she was arround, they had all of the normal classes of a normal school with classes like Demonology, History of a Slayer and Basic Magical Theory thown in. School was from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. than around 7 both slayers and watchers-to-be gathered in the gym for the physical training. At nine Buffy, or one of the others depending on who was around, took small groups of slayers and watchers out for patrol. 

Looking around at the girls Buffy started her lecture, "we deal in death every night." She paused letting the words sink in at the same time remembering siting with Spike in the Bonce in Sunnydale five years ago as he told her the same thing. "And at one time or another we get curious. Whats it like? Whats it like to be done fighting? What is it that I give every night? Up untill two years ago there was only one, well two seeing's how I kinda went and died but besides the point, girl who could fight the fight. The average slayer only lived for a few years. Being called around fifteen was the average, so way dying before twenty. A vampire once told me every slayer has a death wish." Buffy paused again looking each girl in the face. "Its true."

At this several of the slayers began to nerviously mutter to themselves. Anne looked at Dawn wondering where this was going. Dawn shrugged at her new slayer. With Buffy you never really knew.

"When a slayer gets sick of fighting. When she realizes that the demons never stop coming. When she gets tired and wants to give up. Thats when she dies. I was different from most slayers. I had my mom. my sister and my friends. I had ties to this world. Those ties kept me alive and they'll keep you alive. You girls have an option I never had. You can stop fighting one day. The minute you start to have that death wish you can stop, walk away. Remember you can kill a thousand demons, dust hundreds of vampires. But all they need, all they have to wait for is..."

"One good night."

Buffy whipped around, for a moment thinking that she was hearing a memory speak, but in the door way stood a flesh and blood creature. Black jeans and a blood red shirt were covered by an ankle length black leather duster. Buffy stared at the bleach blonde man leaning casually against the door frame. All the girls and boys behind Buffy knew who this was. One of the first lessons anyone learned here was about the final battle with the First. 

"Spike?" Buffy barely whispered. 

"Yeah luv, its me. In the flesh."

Buffy walked up to him unblinking. Standing about six inches away she stared at him.

"Yeah pet, its really me." Spike said after a minute.

Buffy continued to stare as she slowly lifted her hand to his face. After realizing he was indeed solid she pulled back her hand and punched him as hard as she could.

As his head snapped back Buffy pulled back her fist to hit him again. After she landing a second blow Spike began to defend himself walking forward, pushing her into the gym. The students had already moved to the edges of the training mats.

"You came back over a year ago! And in that year you cant be bothered to call!" Buffy shouted at him as she attacked, "or write! email! anything! But no! I have to hear it from Angel! Because you decided to disappear for a bit! And stupidly I thought that maybe you were on your way here! I waited for you! Thinking that you might show up! Well I guess you did. Over a year later!"

"Well what the hell was I supposed to do Slayer?" Spike asked trying to distract her as he dodged her blows, "Call you said? And say what? 'ello Slayer, I'm back in L.A. after your bloody saw me die?"

"Yes!" Buffy shouted. She hit him one more time before turning to hid her tears.

"Pet..." Spike started.

Hiding her tears Buffy turned back around knocking his outreached hand away. Looking at him coldly she said "Xander got back the other day from Asia. You can talk with him about staying at his place. If he says no your on your own," She turned to her sister, "Dawn, take him to go find Xander." With that she stormed out of the room. the buzz of the trainies filling the air behind her.

Spike turned to Dawn hopefully as she approched him. "Hey  Niblet."

Dawn slapped him across the face before walking out of the gym. Spike sighed and hurried to follow her.

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