chpt 20

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Chapter Twenty

The doctor’s voice faded into the background. Buffy slowly backed up until she felt an empty chair behind her. She let herself fall into the cold plastic support before looking up at the doctor again.

“Blind?” she asked not feeling capable of more than one word. The rest of the Scoobies fell in place beside her, taking her six just like they always had, fighting every battle- supernatural or otherwise- together.

“Complete blindness is one of the possibilities. So is partial blindness. There is every chance she will be able to see shapes and colors, however a complete return of her vision is next to impossible. It would be a miracle given what we know now. That may change, depending on when she wakes up and when the bandages can be removes. As of right now there is nothing more we can do.” The doctor answered honestly and Buffy couldn’t blame him for the stabs his words sent to his heart.

“Can I see her?” Buffy’s voice came out small and afraid.

“Yes you can, she’s not awake yet but talk to her. It may help. Now excuse me, I’m needed in OR soon.” the doctor turned on his heel and left the waiting room to go try to save another life and deliver news to another family.

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Cordilia, Faith and Fred stood in the cafeteria holding paper’s in their hands. All of the slayers and watchers had been called to the school as soon as the police left. Working under the plan the three women and the Scoobies set up before the Scoobies left to follow the ambulance to the hospital the women organized the slayers and few watchers who were still in high school or under 18 into new sleeping arrangements. Angel, Gunn, Robin, Wesley and Lorne were upstairs cleaning out the top floor storage area, making it appear to be a bedroom that the headmaster or one of the teachers could stay in to keep supervision. The room was made to look like a rotating room where the staff changed who stayed over at the school biweekly. A bed from Xander’s apartment was discreetly brought through the city tunnels that conviently connected under the school. They would use this temporary arrangement to ensure the Bobbies who came to investigate the accident didn’t start investigating the school.

“Ok, girls and guys. Those of you under 18 are now staying in the school. Your watchers will be staying here also if they are over 18. So you guys go stand over there.” Fred called out and pointed her finger over to one side of the gym. “The rest of you please get into the groups you’re staying with now.”

The three women looked at the groups. For a couple nights, maybe a week this arrangement would work. Anne, Shelly and Eric would continue to stay at the house for now. The two slayers, watcher and part vampire all sat together off to the side. The three of them tried to comfort Anne as she worried and fretted about Dawn.

The other trainiee’s slowly left the gym, some to gather overnight bags with cloths for the next few days; some went to sign up for shower times on the schedule posted in both dorms and others went to gather in groups and discuss what had happened. Fred went to get things for her and Gunn to spend the night at the school. Generally with Buffy and Giles across the street and one of the Scoobies usually working late at the school they never really worried; now it was only to keep their cover intact.

After both Shelly and Eric muttered words of comfort to Anne, Shelley had to leave, the emotions in the room were to high and she began to get a head ache. Connor sat next to Anne alone now. The seventeen year old girl sat with her knee’s tucked under her chin and her arms wrapped around them, waiting for any news.

Connor wanted to comfort her, tell her what she needed so desperately to here but what did one say to a person one barely knew. So instead of speaking he sat next to her silently, letting his presence know that someone was with her.

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