chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

Willow and Kennedy arrived the next morning from Brazil. Xander had called them to tell them about Spike coming back. When they saw Spike Willow hugged him and Kennedy shook his hand. The Scoobies had a staff meeting to be filled in on both Xander's and the girl's trips.

All of the trainees congregated downstairs for study time. Some worked on the school stuff as Giles ran a tough course schedule; others went to the gyms to train. The six Scoobies plus Spike gathered in Giles office. Dawn and Xander perched themselves at the counter that ran along the south wall. Willow and Kennedy sat on the edge of the desk holding hands. Giles sat behind his desk and Buffy perched on the arm of the chair in front of the desk. Spike leaned lazily from the door frame.

"Willow, you and Kennedy first." Giles said calling the meeting.

"Well we went down to Brazil. We split up in Brasilia. Kennedy went down to Rio de Jenero to find the new slayer, I went in to the Amazon to look for the Shamans." Willow started.

"I found the new slayer, got her up to Faith than went back down to Brazil for Willow. Here are the flight receipts and all that." Kennedy picked up.

"Oh, I'll take those." Dawn piped up.

Kennedy bought them over to Dawn. "Thanks, I'll get these filed with Xanders if he ever gets them to me." Dawn turned and glared at Xander. She hit him on the shoulder.

"Hey!" he exclaimed. "Donny! I'll get them to you tomorrow!"

Spike watched the gang. They hadn't changed in the past two years, or as they changed their interactions hadn't. He turned his gaze to Buffy. She had refused to look at him all day. He stared at her trying to figure out what she was thinking. The last time he had seen her look so blank and empty was when the gang brought her back from the grave. He didn't think she was depressed again but she was hiding something.

"Well I had some luck with the Shamans." Willow's voice pulled Spikes gaze from Buffy to look at Willow. "They gave me a few spells that might help with locating new girls."

"Was there any other useful information? Giles asked.

"Yes!" Willow perked up, "They gave me several old scrolls. A few I think are phroposys, the others are spells. I want to start translating them right away." The whole group laughed a bit. Only Willow could be that excited about research.

Giles smiled, "Xander, how did your trip go?"

"Eh, not so good. The monks knew of no spell that would help us." Dawn coughed at him. "Yes Dawn I will get those to you."

Dawn smiled satisfied she would receive them. The group discussed various other things of practical nature. Spike decided to hold off on his news for another day. He knew he had to tell them soon. They needed time to prepare. But first, first he would deal with the Slayer.

The meeting broke up once it was time for the students to start weapons training. "Buffy, Spike, stay here for a moment." Giles called as the others left to go prepare for training. Kennedy and Buffy generally worked with the slayer while Dawn, Willow and Xander worked with the watchers.

Buffy resumed her perch on the desk and Spike his watch point from the door. "I want you two to spar tonight. Some of the new girls, Anne, Martha and Gunilla the new Sweedish girl, have never seen a vampire. You two have fought and trained together. I think it's a good opportunity for the girls to see fighting and receive on hands strategy training." Giles took off his glasses and began to clean the lenses.

"What! Giles no." Buffy exclaimed. "That's not a good idea!"

"Why not slayer?" Spike asked, "You said it yourself in this meeting here the girls need more hands on lessons. They might as well learn with someone who although can kill them has no intentions of doing so. Unless you're scared pet." He flashed Buffy a smirk that reminded her of when they slept together. Memories of sweat filled, lust fueled nights flashed across her memory. The slow crimson blush that spread up her cheeks didn't escape Spikes notice.

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