Episode 4 - Hope x and x Ambition

Start from the beginning

"To think that if Gon was born a year earlier or something we would not have been blessed with one of the strongest friendships ever," Kurapika murmured.

Killua scowled, "W-What? That's not true."

Gon grinned, "Killua and I are best friends and will always be together, no matter what."

Gon grins in amazement, "Wow! That was cool!"

The albino boy introduces himself. "I'm Killua."

"I'm Gon." The energetic boy smiles.

As the two twelve-year-olds run ahead, Leorio scowls internally, 'Damn it... Making a fool out of me...'

Leorio cringes at himself, opening his mouth to apologise for his behaviour, "Guys-"

"Save it for later. You do more stupid things then," Killua quips, not unkindly.

"Ehh?!" Leorio is about to retort when Alluka butts in.

"You're not a fool, Leorio-san! Otherwise, onii-chan wouldn't be friends with you." 

Killua snorts at this but makes no attempts to deny it.

Kurapika softly nudges Leorio, "We still love you, even though you were a goddamn idiot throughout the entire exam. You were a good damn idiot, though." He then turns back to the screen.

Leorio blinks, knowing that he really wasn't one of the best, yet hearing Killua agree (not deny) that he was their friend and Kurapika claim he was loved made him feel light and happy to be accepted by this weird group of teens who shouldn't have had to faced half the stuff they did.

Leorio was the eldest and yet he knew he was the one who got carried the most and he was the one who was the least bright even though he's studying to be a doctor. Leorio knows he acts arrogant at times (it's not like having self-esteem is wrong, though - if any, having lots of self-esteem is very healthy) but he has moments where he doubts himself too, understanding that he isn't like Gon with his open-minded nature, or Killua with his assassin skills, or Kurapika with his rational intelligence (except for when it came to spiders). Leorio sometimes wonders what he is good at and those thoughts would most often lead to f*cking up big time. 

A hand wraps around his, the cool chains around slim fingers bringing him out of his thoughts. Kurapika is still watching the episode, like everyone else, but he gently squeezes to reassure Leorio.

Leorio looks up, noticing Gon who gives him a thumbs up with a tilt of his head. Leorio nods and lets a smile grace his features. He's okay. He turns his focus to the screen and continues to watch.

The scene had changed to Nicolas, who has snot coming from his nose and is sweating and drooling. Strands of immaculate hair had fallen and he was panting heavily, trying in vain to keep up with the group.

'Impossible. It's impossible! My calculations are never wrong!' Nicolas says to himself in his mind as he vision blurs, 'So why... Am I... going to fail? For me to fail... That's absurd. Unthinkable!'

"I won't accept that!" Nicolas yells out loud.

In front, the three Amori brothers are shown, smirking to each other.

As Nicolas attempts to run, his laptop falls out of his grasp, his steps faltering as his pants become heavier. One of his suspenders had fallen down his arm and his fringe stuck to his face from the sweat. He stumbles, leaning forwards as he weakly jogs.

"Hey, rookie!"

Nicolas looks up to see himself surrounded by the Amori brothers, all three in better condition than himself.

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