Episode 14 - Hit x The x Target

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Hisoka fast-forwards through the intro, opening song and recap of the previous episode, only slowing down when the screen zooms in on Gon's smiling face with Kurapika thinking, 'That's what makes you special.' He slows it to such a speed that Kurapika's voice becomes distorted.

"Oi, what are you doing?" Leorio waves a fist, "Stop being a creep!"

"I'm appreciating," Hisoka replies, "You all know you love that bright smile."

"No!" Killua immediately denies, "I mean- You're making it weird!"

"Does Gon's smile not make you happy?" Hisoka grins, "Look at how precious he is! We all love him."

"We are not the same."

"It's just because Hisoka is the one to call everyone out," Kurapika mutters, "No one wants to realise they might share anything in common with him."

Meanwhile Gon pouts to himself, "Why me? Killua has a pretty smile. Kurapika has a pretty smile. Leorio has a pretty smile. Alluka has a pretty smile. I want to appreciate them too..."

"I notice you didn't say Hisoka has a pretty smile," Kurapika quietly chuckles.

Finally, the title screen shows up, and Hisoka returns the speed to normal. The show zooms in on the base of Trick Tower, fading to show the examinees outside.

The narrator does his job. "The twenty-four applicants who've passed the Third Phase of the exam exited Trick Tower, one by one, for a long-anticipated breath of fresh air."

"Ooh, some fresh air would be nice!" Gon says.

"We're pretty enclosed in a rather boring-looking room," Killua agrees, pointedly narrowing his eyes.

There's a pause before Mystery Voice realises they are being addressed. "Well, what do you want me to do?"

Hisoka pauses the episode as everyone in the room starts bouncing ideas of what they'd like their personal cinema to be.

"I think just some windows would be enough," Silva says.

"There's already ventilation-" Mystery Voice responds.

"That's boring! We should have an outdoor cinema under the stars!" Leorio announces.

"What if it rains?" Kurapika questions.

"And how would we be under the stars when it inevitably becomes daytime?" Ging mutters.

"Well, I can-" Mystery Voice says.

"We should just have our room in space then!" Killua shouts, "No rain, no day."

"No air," Hisoka raises an eyebrow.

"If you'd like to be in space, I can-"

"Ooh, ooh, can we be underwater?" Gon bounces in his seat, "It would be so cool to see and touch the fish while we're watching the anime!"

"Yes, what happened to fresh air?" Silva sarcastically mutters.

"So would you all like space or the sea?-"

"Can we be in a world with pokemon?" Alluka pleads.

"Aren't pokemon fictional?" Ging asks.

"You're fictional!" Killua snaps, quick to defend his sister.

"Hmm, let me double-check copyright permissions-"

"While we're requesting illogical things, may I also have-"

"Whatever Hisoka wants, don't give it to him," Kurapika deadpans.

"Can you do something like the room of requirements where whatever we want, we get?" Leorio says, kicking his feet up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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