Episode 12 - Final x Test of x Resolve

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The intro and opening song are not skipped.

Kurapika realises his mistake of tossing the remote to Alluka but ultimately decides he made the right choice if the alternative was to give Leorio control. The narrator and the opening song are surprisingly growing on him, despite the fact that things usually worsen the more one hears it repeated. Looking around, he sees that only Gon and Alluka are enjoying this as they turn the opening song into a mini karaoke session, using the disposable cups Mystery Voice-san provided on the table for drinks as microphones. Soon, the episode finally begins, and everyone's previous sanity levels seem to return.

It is night at Trick Tower.

"During the exam's Third Phase," the narrator recounts, "which requires applicants to reach Trick Tower's base within seventy-two hours, Gon and his friends have incurred a penalty of fifty hours. Meanwhile..."

In the circular waiting room of finished examinees, another one joins them.

"Geretta, applicant #384, is the fourth to pass. Total time, twelve hours and twenty-seven minutes."

Geretta takes a seat on the floor, "Eh. Not bad, I guess."

The episode switches back to the five trapped in the room.

Killua is showing off on his skateboard.

"Wow, he's so cool," Gon cheers, and Killua whacks him on the arm, hissing a "Shut up!"

"If you hesitate on the first step, you'll hurt yourself," he hands the skateboard to Gon.

"Wow, he's so caring," Leorio teases and receives a weak glare.

"Got it," Gon says.

"Hey, Kurapika," Leorio says, "Once we've spent fifty hours here..."

"Wanna go on a date," Alluka whispers to Killua, causing him to laugh.

"...we'll have fewer than ten hours, right?"

"Yes, that's correct," Kurapika answers.

"That's way more than enough time!"

Tonpa sips his drink, "You're a fool."

"No u," Leorio grouchily quips.

"What's that?" Leorio on-screen asks.

"Phase Three lasts seventy-two hours. And each phase is designed to weed out half of the remaining candidates. So, on average, it's meant to take seventy-two hours. Just more proof that you're an idiot."

Leorio doesn't dignify Tonpa with a response.

"Well," Kurapika speculates, "Our chances of reaching the goal within ten hours will depend on the remaining trials."

"Yeah, that's true," Leorio mumbles.

"But when we've got a guy who's so down on his luck, he can't even win a simple game of rock-paper-scissors..." Tonpa taunts.

"It hurts to hear this from someone who's probably never won in his life," Ging mutters.

Kurapika, the only one who hears him, raises an eyebrow, 'Is he defending Leorio?'

"What was that?!"

"You deliberately lost a bet just to satiate your libido. Then you chose rock-paper-scissors, a contest you couldn't win."

"Shut up! You surrendered without even a fight!"

A flashback plays of Tonpa going, "I give!"

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