The x Coldest x Goodbyes

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"Wait!" The mystery voice suddenly speaks. "Before you play episode three, I want you to know that you will be stuck here forever. For what reasons, I cannot tell you directly."


"What's that supposed to mean?!" Leorio shouts.

"What I mean by that," Mystery voice says, "Is a power stronger than any Nen is currently controlling you - controlling me. That power is called the mind of an avid fanfic reader who has decided to write fanfics and share them on this site called Wattpad."

"What...pad?" Gon echoes.








"Ok, ok, stop." Kurapika interrupts. "What do you mean by we are being controlled?"

Mystery voice pauses before explaining, "Basically, in this other world, you do not exist. You are simply characters of a famous manga and anime who have become a part of many weebs' lives and are now playing a role in their wild imaginations." A pause. "Some of which are very, very disturbing."

Killua frowns at the idea of being controlled. Gon notices and leans into him, "It's ok, Killua! I'm sure it's nothing like Illumi-san did to you..." Gon looks up, "Right, Mystery voice-san?"


Gon's eyes widen in surprise. He looks back at Killua who only looks down.

Kurapika speaks up, "You were saying we would be stuck here forever. How so?"

Mystery voice says, "Well, the author of this book has made a huge decision. The only way for you to leave is if the author allows for it. However, the author has not reached that stage yet and due to unforeseen circumstances, it would seem that you will have to remain here forever, frozen in time."

"That doesn't explain anything!!!" Leorio yells, confused.

"This doesn't make any sense." Gon frowns.

"No, it doesn't." Kurapika agrees.

"It's like nothing matters." Killua says.

The four frown as Mystery voice sighs.

"I'm truly sorry, but I now must say goodbye. It seems that our adventure will be discontinued."

A/N: I'm truly sorry that this book has had to come to an end. I'm just too busy and have lost interest in the fandom. Perhaps years later, I will reenter hxh. However, I can say that this book will be discontinued. I hope you all stay safe and happy. Have a nice week and a happy April 1st! ~Bubble Pop Bee >v<

(anyone who got the reference of the title, you get a virtual whiskey on the rocks)

((anyone who didn't get it, you should watch Spies Are Forever. It's a musical and a totally awesome one))

(((im srry this was so badly written by the way)))

((((i dont have any excuses its just bad, have a nice week!))))

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