🌌 Tagged again!🌌

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Hello minna! I've been tagged again! Let's go!❤

1. What is your zodiac sign?

2. Are you eldest, middle or only child?
I'm the only child. Sadly it gets lonely😢

3. What is your dream job?
A teacher maybe? I'm not really sure.

4. Do you have story pet peeves?
Yes, when the person over uses the punctuation marks and when they don't use the "" for dialogues.

5. Any story clichés you hate?
Yes, it's when the story happens to fast and there's like only 2 or 3 chapters. (No offense! Don't mean to upset people!) And then it's completed and nothing made sense.

Just no. I can't stand that.

6. Any story clichés you love?
I do but I just don't know how to explain it.

7. Any character trope you hate?
The bossy, mean, gold digger kinda people. Hate them.

8. Any character trope you love?
I love the sweet, kind, caring, abit fiesty kinda person.

9. I have a lot! But my fav is Gouenji. He's so handsome in the future!😍 I always liked him!

10. Which anime character do you want to burn in hell?
Kabeyama!!! He's so mean and awful! He tried killing the Raimon Eleven!! How low can he go?! He even escaped from prison! Sorry...

11. Wattpad!! And maybe instagram! Follow me if you'd like: inazuma_eleven_fan_517

12. Fav food?

13. Anything you like hoarding?
Cute pens! Like the ones with the little unicorn in the cap or a cute cat. Those ones I love! I'm a collector!❤

14. Greatest fear?
I HATE cockroaches!!! And lizards!!!! They are so gross!

15. Fav Wattpad stories?
There's alot. Can't name them all and I can't remember.

Tag 10 people, I'll only tag 5 coz I'm lazy:

1. RekkaNoKen

Sorry peeps! Have a nice day or night or evening! Stay safe!❤

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