Hate you |🔥| Gouenji Shuuya (Ishido Shuuji) x Reader (Go) Part 3

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Here we go! Part 3! Also really long! Enjoy~!

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3rd P.O.V

After the long activities that Gouenji and (Y/n) did, they collapsed on the bed and took a breather.

"(Y/n)...I-I really love you!"

Her eyes widened. "R-really?"

He nodded. "I realised that I was a fool and that I missed out on alot of things here. Like i didn't even know that I had a son! I love you and ryuu (Y/n)..and I would never trade it for anything else in the world." He finished off. Your heart melted and hugged him.

"I love you too." He pulled your body on his and covered your'll with the sheets before muttering a goodnight and kissing your forehead before drifting off to sleep.

(Next morning)

Normal P.O.V

(Y/n) woke up the next morning, feeling sore. She then remembered the previous nights events and blushed hard. She did her morning routin and saw Shuuya already up.

"Good Morning. Did you sleep well?" He asked as if nothing happened at all last night. (Y/n) stared at him before shaking her head and replying.

"Y-yeah! I did..." She walked into her kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee. She yelped quietly when she felt a pair of arms wrapping around her waist. Gouenji burried his face in her neck and smirked.

"Did you have fun last night?" (Y/n)'s face exploded into redness and she hit his shoulder. "Stop it!!"

Gouenji laughed and kissed her head. Right at that moment, they heard little footsteps coming in their direction. Gouenji let go of (Y/n) to avoid suspicion.

"Mommy! Mommy! Can we go to Raimon now? Please! Oh! Will you come too mister?" Ryuu asked excitedly, that made (Y/n) chuckle.

"Now, now ryuu. Where are your manners?"

The little boy realised and laughed nervously. "Good Morning mama! Good Morning mister!"

"Hey kid. Your hyper this morning." Gouenji picked him up, tickling him making ryuu laugh.

"Hmm! I want to go to Raimon! Can we mommy? Please!!"

She nodded and ryuu cheered and went to get ready. (Y/n) thought about ryuu's 5th birthday coming up and had an idea.

"Hey. Ryuu's 5th birthday is coming up in a month..and i was wondering if you would like to come? He would be happy to see you." She smiled at the man as he thought about it.

"Is it okay? I mean-" he started but he got cut off.

"Yes! It's fine! Besides...ryuu had been asking about his father for quiet some time and I'd like him to meet you as his father on his birthday." She hid her face with her hair with a blush on her cheeks. Gouenji smiled.

"Then I'll be there. I mean that would give him time to like me as a friend right?" (Y/n) nodded and clapped her hands.

"Great! Then it's settled!"

A few minutes later, Gouenji left as he had a few things to do and the two left for Raimon.

(A month later, Ryuu's birthday)

(Y/n) woke up early as it was her son's birthday! She headed to her sons room and peaked in. His little body was sprawled out on his bed. It made (Y/n) laugh. She entered and sat on the edge of his bed,stroking his head.

"Ryuu, it's time to get up. Do you know what day it is today?"

His eyes opened up and jumped up and down on his bed. "It my birthday mommy! It's my birthday!"

(Y/n) laughed and hugged him. "Happy Birthday baby." He smiled and she ruffled his hair. "Go brush your mouth. I'll make you your favourite!" You say and his eyes lit up.

"Your the best mommy! I love you!" He kissed your cheek and ran off towards the bathroom.

'I love you too ryuu..'

(Few hours later)

Ryuu's birthday party started an hour ago and almost everybody was here. Besides Gouenji... (Y/n) and Gouenji were secretly meeting each other without ryuu knowing. Of course the others knew. Ryuu and Gouenji even got close. Ryuu considered Gouenji as a father but never told his mother.

(Y/n) was talking to Aki when a hand spun her around. She spun around and yelped abit.

"SURPRISE!!" The Inazuma Japan Team shouted out. (Y/n) giggled and hugged them all.

"Minna! You guys made it!"

"Of course! We couldn't miss the little guy's birthday!" Kazemaru said.

"Yeah! He's part of our family." Captain, said and slung an arm around (Y/n)'a shoulder. "Thank you all for coming!"

Shirou smiled and questioned. "Where is ryuu?"

"Oh! He's in the living room. He's actually waiting for you all."

"Really? Let's go then!" Endou says as they all went to find the birthday boy.

(Y/n) giggled and fished out her phone. She was getting abit worried that Gouenji was not going to make it. Right at that moment, the door bell rang. The (H/c)nette opened the door and saw Gouenji standing there.

"Hey! Great you made it! I was getting abit worried." She laughed nervously.

"Why wouldn't I make it for my son's birthday?" He chuckled and kissed her lips. They parted and she pulled him towards the living room.

"Come on! He's waiting for you!"

After all the singing and cake cutting and receiving gifts, it was finally time to tell ryuu about Gouenji.

"Ryuu? Could you come here for a minute?" (Y/n) called her son and fiddled with her hair.

"Coming mommy!" He jumped down from the couch and ran to his mother and Gouenji who was behind her.

(Y/n) crouched down and placed a hand on his cheek. "Sweetie, remember how i promised you that on your fifth birthday I would tell you about your father and possibly meet him?" Ryuu nodded slowly and (Y/n) smiled abit.

"Would you like to meet him?" His eyes widened and exclaimed. "Can i mommy?!" She nodded and stood up.

"Where is he?"

(Y/n) turned to Gouenji and moved to the side and pointed to him.

"This is your father, ryuu. Gouenji Shuuya."

Ryuu's eyes widened and his mouth hung open. "Y-you mean...mister, is my father?!" She nodded and Gouenji wrapped an arm around his mother's waist. Tears welled up in his eyes and wiped them away quickly.

Gouenji let go of (Y/n) and opened his arms. "Come here ryuu." Ryuu didn't waste any more time and flung himself into his father's arms.

Shuuya picked him up and rubbed his back, calming him down. "M-mommy...daddy." He cried.

Shuuya pulled (Y/n) into their hug and hugged them both.

"I love you both so much and will you forgive me (Y/n)?" He asked and kissed their foreheads.

(Y/n) smiled. "We love you too Shuuya and...yes, I forgive you."

With that, they enjoyed their family reunion and continued the birthday party as a happy family.

The End.

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Wow...really crappy this one was.  This was terrible! I kind of ran out of ideas. Hope you enjoyed it! Byee~ See you in the next one-shot!

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