Movie night |🎆| Kidou Yuuto x Reader

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The genius playmaker is next! This one was requested by kidouuu

Hope it's what you expected! Kidou is one of my favourite characters!😍 Anyways enjoy!

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

It was a Saturday morning and I was waiting for my best friend, Kidou Yuuto so that we could hang out today. Truth is...I have a huge crush on the genius playmaker. There were so many times that i wanted to confess my love for him but I backed out cause I was scared that it would ruin our friendship.

I sat by the fountain in the middle of Inazuma town. There were alot of people out today and it was hot too. I was wearing a (F/c) dress with matching shoes. I was getting alot of stares from boys and I was feeling uncomfortable so i looked at my lap.

'Kidou! Where are you?'

Just as i was about to call him I heard a whisper in my ear. "Boo!"

"Eeek!! KIDOU! Don't do that! You know i get jumpy!" I shouted at the boy who was smirking and chuckled.

"Sorry! It was hard not to resist."

I pouted and put my phone away. "Hey! You wanna watch a movie later? At my house? My mom is not at home." I said as we walked around town. My mom was a business women and wasn't home much, but she left me money to buy myself stuff.

"Sure." He nodded and we went on our way.

(Timeskip! After several hours)

We arrived at my home as it was almost 7 and we decided to watch a horror movie. (You can pick) I gulped silently as I didn't like scary films as they give me nightmares for weeks and I also didn't sleep without somebody next to me for a few days if I had to watch a scary movie.

I made the popcorn and quickly say next to kidou as the movie started to play. I was tensed as the creepy sounds started to play. I suddenly felt something on my hand and I jumped.

"You okay? Your tense." The brunette asked. I laughed nervously.

"Y-yeah! I'm fine!! Why d-do you ask?"

All of a sudden, a jump scare popped up on the screen and I screamed.

"AAHHH!!!" I hugged the closest thing next to me which was kidou. I gripped his shirt in fear as tears welled up in my eyes. I was shaking and I felt arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me on his lap.

He rubbed my back and calmed me down after 10 minutes. I blushed as I pulled back and wiped my cheeks.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to h-hug you, I'm just sca-"

"It's fine. I understand. Now, how about we finish the movie. You can hold onto me if you get scared." He says as he got comfatable and we both carried on watching the movie. Right now, I was a blushing mess. My face was buried in kidou's chest with his arms around me.

I honestly wanted to be pulled into a hole right now. Another jump scare happened and I flinched. I honestly just wanted to get the movie over with.

"(Y/n)? You okay? We don't have to continue watching. We can change the movie.' Kidou says as he looked down at me. I looked up and shook my head and noticed his bright red eyes from behind his goggles. I wanted so badly to take them off. So I slowly reached for them and I paused, looking back at him if it was okay to take them off and he nodded.

I pulled them away and my eyes widened. They were so pretty. We both blushed as we inched closer to each others lips. I placed my hand on his cheek and he gently placed his lips on mine. My eyes widened but I kissed back immediately.

I trailed my hands to his neck and he held my hips. He was a good kisser, I had to admit. Just...not aloud. We broke apart, both panting heavily as we catched our breaths.


"(Y/n)..ever since I met you, you've always been by my side and when ever i need you, you were there. From then on i knew that I loved you. So, will you be my girlfriend?" The genius playmaker smiled. I was shocked. I wiped my tears and shouted.


I hugged him and he returned it. I nuzzled into his neck and I heard him chuckle. "I love you (Y/n)."

"I love you too yuuto." I smiled and cuddled him as we watched the rest of the movie. When it was over and Kidou was about to leave since it was late, I stopped him.

"Yuuto...please stay with me. I-I can't stay alone after I watch a scary movie..." I played with my fingers and looked away, embarresed.

He smirked his famous smirk and nodded. We laid down on my bed and we talked about alot of things. After a few hours, I started to feel sleepy. Kidou noticed this and pulled the blanket over us and turned the light off.

I placed my head on his chest and heard his steady heart beat. I now wasn't scared of anything from the movie cause i had yuuto with me.Yuuto kissed my forehead and I smiled.



"Thank you."

He looked at me confused. "For what?"

"For today. I had fun today and thank you for staying with me." I whispered loud enough for him to hear as I started to get sleepy.

He ruffled my hair then spoke.

"Anything for my girl." I blushed and we both drifted off to sleep.

Best movie night ever. Won't you agree?

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This is abit short. I was kind of running out of ideas. Hope it's alright! See y'all in the next chapter!❤ Byee!!

Love you~ (Inazuma Eleven various x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt