Just as quickly as it had smashed in the door upon entry, it had turned and left the room.

You began to hear shouting from outside in the hallways. It sounded like... no, surely not.

"Hey! Over here you billowing idiot!"

It was Ron, so surely Harry and Hermione were with him.

The golden trio, of course. Who else could possibly be responsible for a dragon inside the school?

As their voices became fainter, you looked up at Severus. You had no idea what you should do next. Should you go see if it's gone or stay and wait? As if reading your mind, Severus stood up to go look out the smashed doorway. He then waves for you to come over.

Looking out into the hallway you see the golden trio luring the giant beast out of a gaping hole in the wall. It looked as though Hagrid was there, yelling at the dragon.

"Ghost! Ghost, how many times do I have to tell you to stay in your nest?! I was worried sick!" Hagrid shouted.

The dragon crept up to Hagrid with its head down, making a purring noise. Hagrid then slides a small rope around the dragon's mouth and begins to lead it to what you could only assume was it's nest.

"Good riddance," you thought to yourself.

Severus began storming toward the golden trio. You could tell by the way he was walking, he was going to give them quite the thrashing. So, you padded along behind him, not wanting to miss the tongue lashing these three were going to get.

As you approached from behind Severus, you overheard him yelling.

"Do you know what you've done?! Not only have you destroyed parts of the school but also endangered the lives of those in it! Why... if you were in Slytherin I would expel you. All of you!" He screeched throwing his hands in the air.

The three children shrunk away from him in fear.

Suddenly you felt a presence from behind you.

As you turned around, you faced Dumbledore and McGonagall. Scowls spread across their faces.

"But they AREN'T in Slytherin... are they?" McGonagall states sharply at Snape.

"You three will be deducted 50 points, each, from your house. Understood? It's no wonder you didn't get yourselves killed in the process?!" She says with a slightly raised voice.

The golden trio nodded.

"Now off with you!" McGonagall waves her hands at them.

The three students hurriedly scurried off, not wanting to feel any more wrath than they needed to.

As the professors' attention turned back to themselves, you realize they have all turned to look at you. Albus and Minerva stood in front of you whilst Severus stood behind you. You sat in the middle of them.

Their confused eyes lingered on you before Minerva questioned Severus.

"And who... might this be, Severus?" She pointed at you.

"This is... erm.." he began rubbing the back of his neck. He wasn't sure if he could trust Minerva with the information of you being an animagi, especially since you weren't registered.

"Why this is Severus's new pet, Amora!" Albus waves at you, trying to distract Minerva.

"New pet? When have you ever been interested in... pets?" Minerva questioned Severus.

"I didn't want anyone fussing over it, it's nothing." Severus looks down, mumbling.

"Hmmm.... what ever makes you happy I suppose. Make sure it doesn't get into any trouble. The next thing we need is another trouble maker, the golden three are quite enough!" Minerva says exasperatedly.

"Of course," Severus nods.

As she turns to walk away, Albus looks at you.

"Remember, all your questions will be answered in time," he states.

Is he talking to you? Does he really know? You had so many questions.

He begins to walk after Minerva, his robes flowing behind him.

You glance up at Severus, what are you supposed to do now? Everyone will think your supposed to be his pet??

He looks at you and shrugs. Neither of you know what you should do in this situation.

And as if this night couldn't get any worse, here comes Umbridge marching down the hallway towards the two of you.

You instinctively step closer to Severus, surprised by the growl that escapes your throat at the sight of this pink goblin before you.


Part 3... what did you guys think? Are you ever going to figure out how to use your powers? Why is Umbridge being so secretive?

Until next time 😉

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