Chapter 9

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Life with him honestly has been better then i thought it was going to be.
I only say that because we are completely opposite I'm very shy and very to myself i can be friendly when i want to be but thats not to often but with him things are just so different . Almost like our souls connected the day we met i can be comfortable with him and not feel judged all i feel is true love even when we argue because I'm jealous and I'm so afraid of loosing him all i feel is love which is crazy after the past I've had.
*dig dig*
Ja'kason : hey baby girl
Ugh i get so excited when i se his name come across my phone
Me : hey baby wyden!
Ja'kason : nun much you gotta work today ?
Me: nah baby I'm off today hbu what are your plans for the day?
Ja'kason : thats part of the reason i texted you i wanted to see if you wanted to come over and hang out it's me for a little while if thats okay with your mom
Oouu he wants me to come over ?? I jump out of bed to see if my mom is busy and just my luck she isn't busy
"Hey mama can i go hang out with Ja'kason for a few hrs since I'm off work today please "
Ive been hearing a lot about this boy since I've met him and i like him he treats you well, go empty the dish washer and get ready and ill take you over there .
"Okay" i say walking back down the hall to my bedroom picking up my phone
Missed call from Ja'kason my screen read, i push the notification to cal him back he picks up on the second ring
Hey you called ?
"Yeah i realized i haven't called you today so i figured i would and i just wanted to talk to you i miss you

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