Chapter 1

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I'm ready for school to be over and it's just now the end of the first month. I thought to myself as i walked through the big double doors leading to the hall of my forth block class . "i don't understand why i let myself sign up for this class every year", i mumble to myself it was chorus something i have been doing since i could remember. But something about the people who can't sing or don't want to put in an effort to the class just pisses me off. I opened up the door and everyone on this side of the room was crowed around talking , nothing not normal.

"take your seats so i can take roll" the teacher called i plugged up my phone and sat in my seat second row all the way at the end where i'm not very seen just how i like it.



"and what's your name again?" the teacher asked

i looked one row up from me there was a perfect view of him. there's a new boy a bass

"Ja'kason" he said looking down and back in my direction, what did he say .. i missed it its like i zoned out of something weird. i turned back and looked at my friends who were already looking at me "he's cute." I said leaning over to Mariah "did you catch his name?"

"yeah he is, i think he has a girlfriend no i didn't get his name and aren't you talking to someone ?"

"now you know that she's not really feeling me and i'm pretty sure she's gonna leave me soon things aren't going to good the little whatever it is i'm not worried about it if we are being completely honest." Sitting back in my chair looking at my hands

"welp i don't think he gets around much i haven't seen him all day until now"

Maybe ill not be so shy and we can be friends.

"Class just a friendly reminder i will be leaving soon to help out my wife when our baby boy gets here"

"All-State is also coming up so before i go i have get get your name and money so i can send it off to them" he says walking to his desk starting to go down the roll again asking people if they want to do all state.

"briahna" he calls giving me the look of i'm going to make you do it even if i have to pay for you myself .

sighing walking to the front of the room to his desk with my head down not making eye contact with anyone.


"your doing all-state, you'll do great you have nothing to worry about it will be a good way of you to step out of your comfort zone"

I do NOT want to do this i thought to myself still looking down at the floor "okay ill bring my money in tomorrow"

"okay" he says smiling at me as i walked away back to my seat.

class keeps on he keeps going down the roll i walk over to the wall where my phone is plugged in sitting down next to it getting on instagram "6 minutes left". "Ja'kason can you come to my office please " i heard through my headphones, i wonder what he wanted.. wait why am i thinking about him .. i really do want to get to know him,he's different..

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