Chapter 4: Radio Star

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|Alastor's pov|

I got up and showered as I thought about you. 'Why do I keep thinking about you. About your beautiful smile and laugh.' I put my hand over my forehead as I still pondered. 'I have never loved or liked anyone else besides my mother. I mean I loved my father but not as much as Mother.' I groaned still thinking about my thoughts as I got out the shower.
I got dressed as I grabbed my hairdryer. I dried my hair as I kept on messing with it. Once my hair was to my liking, I brushed my teeth and headed downstairs. I grabbed your present and my coat as I locked my house. I looked at my watch. '6:30' I started my car as I drove off.
     There wasn't really any traffic since it was early. I hummed some tunes to myself as I arrived at your apartment complex. '6:58' I grabbed your gift as I went up the stairs. I straightened myself out before ringing the doorbell.

"Just a minute!"

There was a few sounds on the other side of the door. I stood here for a few more seconds until the door suddenly opened. I looked down at you. You looked absolutely stunning. My smile grew wider as I told you hello.

 My smile grew wider as I told you hello

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(That's what you are wearing. If you don't like it then you can always change it!)

You grabbed your bag as you said you were ready. After you closed your door and locked it, I decided to reveal my gift to you.

  "Oh Al you shouldn't have," you said as I handed the box to you.

     You unwrapped the ribbon as you carefully opened the box. Your eyes lit up like diamonds once you saw the beautiful necklace.

"Do you like it dear?"

Once I asked that, you immediately engulfed me in a comforting hug. I was taken aback because I wasn't ever one for being touched or physical affection in general. However, you were different. I chuckled as I slowly wrapped my arms around you.

"I absolutely love it Al!"

"I'm glad you do," I said while patting your head.

I helped you put on the necklace before we headed downstairs to my car. You linked your arm with mine as we walked downstairs together. I opened the door of my car for you as you giggled.

(That's the necklace Alastor got you)

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(That's the necklace Alastor got you)

We arrived at my studio as I opened the door for you. You looked around in amazement as I chuckled. I introduced you to some coworkers of mine. Although, everyone thought we were together as a couple. I had to re-inform them we weren't even thought my face became reddish. I saw you blush when people asked the question also as I smiled to myself.
I led you to my little studio room as I showed you everything. You looked so interested as I showed you my radio equipment. I took off my coat and set it behind my chair as I started rolling up my sleeves. I glanced over the papers that I had to explain over the broadcast. You sat down next to me as I started.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen! Alastor here and I'm here to explain the ongoing crimes in New Orleans. As we know, drug violence has been a problem here as well as illegal drug marketing. Yesterday, another person was found shot in an alleyway as it seemed all his money was taken from him. The police found him around 8:30 PM as someone reported a missing person. This is believed to be murder since our suspect wasn't too far from a previous drug trading ground. The question remains unanswered as to who this drug gang is and the people involved. This is Alastor signing off on New Orleans Radio Station and remember...Stay Tuned Folks."

I took off the headphones as you had a wide smile on your face. You applauded as I laughed and bowed. I asked if you wanted to grab something to eat since I wouldn't have to go back on the radio for a bit. You agreed as we walked across the street.
     There was a little cafe that served beignets. I'm not too fond of sweets but beignets are an exception. We sat down as we ordered. I was shocked whenever you said you have never had beignets before.

"How have you never had beignets before?"

"I guess I just never really thought about it," you said while shrugging your shoulders.

We sat and chatted about random things. Things like what we wanted to be whenever we were younger. Our dreams of accomplishments and plans.
      You wanted to give me your number to call you later. I got out a pen and wrote it down on a napkin. I gave you mine in case you ever needed to call me. We stared out the window enjoying the scenery. Our food was served to us as we peacefully ate.
      After ten minutes, I looked at my watch as I mumbled under my breathe. I grabbed my coat as I stood up.

"What's wrong Al?"

"I have a couple of minutes till I have to go back on air." I said making sure I had everything.

You got up and grabbed your stuff as you placed money down. I told you that you don't have to pay since I really should, but I didn't have time to argue. I smiled and rolled my eyes as we hurried back to my studio.
     We got back as I finished my broadcast. Since it was midday right now, we listened to music in my small studio room. We sang along to some songs as we danced around together. You blushed as I realized I was too. You did a turn as I pulled you close to me by your waist. I looked down at you as we both were breathing heavily from dancing. You chuckled with your face turning even redder as you leaned your head against my chest. I smiled as we stood in a hug.

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