Chapter 37: Heaven's Secrets

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In Heaven

|3rd person pov|

"You're telling me Azrael went down to Hell for over a few hours to see (Y/N)?!" Michael screamed, throwing his lance across the room as it pierced through a hit target.

"Y...yes sir," Uriel responded, stuttering from nervousness at Michael's rage.

Michael rubbed his temples before calming down. "You know what, it doesn't matter if Azrael's involved with my plan. I'll go through my plan no matter what."

"And that plan would be?" Uriel asked curiously.

"I'm going to use (Y/N) to kill that Overlord, the Radio Demon."

"Why is the Radio Demon amongst any of our concerns?"

"He's killed too many angels during each extermination. Especially after the last one," Michael explained. "It is absolutely ridiculous at how many angels have died and left their spears down in Hell, considering the Spears could kill the regular angels. Not us though. Since we are archangels, we will be fine for only our archangel blades can kill us and no archangel has ever died on the battlefield. However," Michael paused, pulling out his angel blade, "ever since that Radio Demon has emerged in Hell, some of the archangels have gotten pretty damn close to dying and losing their blades which is something that can not happen!" Michael explained, sharpening his angel blade.

Uriel gulped nervously as he nodded his head. Despite this, Uriel wondered about something though. "Why was is necessary to erase part of her memories though?"

"You know it's usual protocol to have angels with traumatic pasts to have those certain memories gone," Michael states, huffing under his breathe while flailing his hand around in a manner that showed he didn't really care about the topic asked.

"But we don't use a memory intervention spell and force them to drink it when it comes to those procedures," Uriel argued.

"You know," Michael begins, "I could tell you right now but I'm still trying to figure out how my plan will exactly piece together. Therefore, if you value your life, stop bugging me for now!" Michael's eyes glowed a light blue; a sign threatening for Uriel to back down.

     Uriel obeyed, but knew Michael would tell him his reasoning later, he always did. Uriel was always the one Michael ranted to about on multiple topics, mostly random topics though.

In Hell

|Alastor's pov|

     I was heating up some water for you as you normally have tea in the evening. I was quietly humming to myself while the water boiled, thinking about how life from here on forward would be like.
The kettle began screaming as I took notice and moved the kettle off the eye of the stove.

I poured the tea into a cup, adding the right amount of sugar you desired before calling out, "(Y/N) darling your tea is rea-"

     I was cut off by the outrageous sound of the front hotel door slamming open. 'If that's a customer and they opened the door in that manner I'm going to throw them off of the roof.'
     Once hearing two familiar voices, I internally groaned in aggravation, regretting what I thought as I now wished it was a customer.

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