"I know right, the irony." Saga look horrified for a second, but then he frown. "Well, if you haven't seen him. I haven't seen him since that either. Neither does Brian, or Sam or Jess."

"Are you telling me you lost your friend? Here?" Reena wasn't sure if it was Adam or Dave who decided to comment on their situation. "Is that even possible?"

"You're the one to talk, where's drummer boy?" Reena question them back, "Hm?"

"Wait, are you serious?" Kira finally spoke, looking at twin "How long has it been since Sabastian left?"

"We're not sure." One of the twin replied. "I seriously haven't seen him since the minute we finish playing."

"What the fuck?" Reena cussed again, she sure love to do it.

"They're probably still around, there's no way they're missing in here. My house isn't that big." Kira said, frowning to herself.

"Speak for yourself," Reena retorted, raising her eyebrow to her best friend earning a glare from her.

Rolling her eyes at Reena for her stupid remarks, Kira stood up. "Let's just check the security footage, I'm sure there's something."


When Saga woke up this morning, he was sure today is going to be a different kind of Tuesday for him but nothing could prepare him for all of this strange things.

Like how he actually get the chance to meet the girl that has been on his mind since last night or meeting his favorite band, getting the chance to talk to them and seeing them performing literally five feet apart from him not to mention for free too. And now his friend is missing?

Should I mention how three member of his favorite band were casually just walking with him too? he thought.

The six of them make their way to the back of the house, Kira said the security room was near the kitchen but the walk felt longer than it was suppose to be because of the tension that was stuck in the air, he was sure of it.

Saga note another unusual things that happened tonight. Like how he saw his boss nervous state that never happen in his one year of working with her, or how he witness his boss having a heated argument with Brandon Wilson. The Brandon Wilson.

He quicken his pace so he doesn't walk near Reena or Brandon since they keep giving each other death glares and he really didn't want to be in the middle of that. He's walking next to Kira now, she glanced to see who was walking next to her and smile when he sees it was him.

"Are you okay?" She asked him, looking concern.

"Yeah, just tired." He replied, "It's been a long day."

"Yeah it is. Alright this is the security room," Kira open the door yelp at the sight. She quickly turn her heels and ran into Saga's chest, losing her balance. She thought she'll fell but Saga was holding her shoulder firmly, and with that she hid her face on his chest completely embarrassed with the sight.

"ya! jinjja?!!" she yelled,

"Whoa," Saga was catching Kira small body making sure she didn't fell when he bump into her when he heard the familiar voice and turn his attention to what Kira just saw.

He blink once.


He was lost for words.

Just when he thought nothing could top how weird it was to casually strolling down the hall with his favorite band or how scary it was to watch Reena spitting venom, what he just witness clearly top it all. His best friend Danny was clearly in the middle of some serious business with Sabastian Gonzales. The Sabastian Gonzales.

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