"...finding her will I go home. You stay away from this!" Zoë recognized those words. When she looked around she struggled to not let out a loud cry.

It was Godric's Hollow.

The snow around them was plain and untouched, except for a trail of small footprints. Zoë heard her father's voice once more.

"Footprints. It must be Zoë." Albus took a hold of Aberforth's wrist, holding him back.

"Do you not understand? Tom Riddle is coming. You must go back. I will get your daughter just please go back." Aberforth yanked his wrist out of his brother's grasp.

"Like I'm going to trust you with Zoë." Aberforth walked foreword, following the trail of footprints. Albus followed behind him, still trying to get him to turn back. Aberforth refused to answer.

Aberforth looked up and started to run. Zoë followed him with her eyes and stood still with what she saw.

Herself when she was 11, and the hooded figure.

Tom Riddle.

The memory made its way closer to the scene. From where Zoë stood the hooded man's face and voice were as clear as day, and Zoë knew Harry and Albus we able to hear and see this too.

"Dumbledore? Well..." The man started to speak before a flash of light grazed him. 11-year-old Zoë turned around, meeting her father's eyes.

"Father please do not use magic! This man is innocent."

"YOU STAY QUIET ZOË AND COME STAND BEHIND ME." The little girl nodded and went to walk behind Aberforth. However, before she could get there, Tom Riddle lifted his wand. "CRUCIO."

Zoë saw in horror as she faced herself fall to the ground, screaming in pain. Zoë felt sick, remembering the pain she felt throughout her whole body that night.

"Answer me or I won't stop." Tom Riddle laughed wickedly. Albus sent a spell his way, hitting Tom. He stumbled back, breaking the spell he was placing on Zoë.

Aberforth ran forward and began to attack Tom. Every spell that Aberforth let out was blocked.

"Come on Aberforth! Just tell me where Harry Potter is and I will spare you."

Memories began to flood through Zoë's mind. No wonder why Harry's name was so familiar when she first heard it last year.

It was the boy Tom Riddle was asking for when he killed her father.

"I do not know where that Potter boy is!" Aberforth yelled back.

"Well, if you won't say anything, then maybe this will help." Anger was laced through Tom's voice when he directed his wand towards the young Zoë.


"NO." Aberforth ran up to Zoë, blocking out the spell from Zoë.

Zoë screamed, finally not being able to hold all the pain she was watching right in front of her. Harry and Dumbledore turned around as present-day Zoë ran to her father's body. Her hands went through the body when she tried to touch him.

Zoë cried louder than ever, not even paying attention to her own "death" or when Albus ran up to her, catching sight of the new scar on her arm.

"FATHER!" Zoë cried out when she was lifted up. She tried to get herself out of the grasp but it held tight. Zoë saw in pain as the memory started to fade away, along with the body of her father.

When Dumbledore and Harry landed in the office, Harry looked up to Dumbledore holding his crying niece. His eyes were wide and full of fear.

The only thing heard in the office was the loud cries of Zoë, who was finally placed on the ground. She dropped to her knees, breathing heavily as the tears continued to leave her eyes. It took her a few moments to lift herself back up.

With weak legs, she turned to her uncle, whose eyes were dark.

"Wh...why? WHY?" Dumbledore flinched. Zoë stood there, her hands balled up into fists and her breathing uneven

"WHY DID YOU SHOW HIM THAT?" It didn't take much to know that she was talking about Harry.

"Zo...Zoë I..."

"WHY DID YOU SHOW HIM MY...FA...FATHE...R'S DEA....DEATH?" Dumbledore stood silent, only hearing heavy breathing from him.

Zoë couldn't take it anymore. Stilling crying, she made her way to the office door, wanting to be far away.

"Zoë wait!" Harry finally found his voice, about to chase after her when he felt an arm across his chest. Dumbledore held him back, his whole body now visibly shaking.

One think was expressed on the wise man's face however.

Pure pain.


*** Decided to upload today as an apology for having to unpublish and reupload the previous chapter :) ***

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