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Taehyung point of view

I ended up coming to a hotel i don't want to trouble ami or hoseok i just don't know what is going on in my life why does it have to be like this without even noticing my mind drifted of to thinking about jungkook and jimin

What are they doing now i could only imagine negative thoughts at this point but jungkook will be happy with him i sighed as i close my eyes and collapsed on the bed i hope they will be happy with each other i smile to myself well a painful smile and try to sleep

Next morning

I don't get any sleep last night i kept thinking about jungkook and jimin i can't help it i opened my instagram to clear off my mind but i guess it was a wrong move because jungkook posted a pic of him and jimin

I don't get any sleep last night i kept thinking about jungkook and jimin i can't help it i opened my instagram to clear off my mind but i guess it was a wrong move because jungkook posted a pic of him and jimin

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( jimin hair is blonde and jungkook is black)

My heart ached seeing them so close to each other and also jungkook never click picture with me but i guess it doesn't matter i switched off my phone and threw it on the bed lightly i was about to have a serious mental breakdown but a knock on my door stopped me

I get up from my bed and opened the door to reveal someone totally unexpected "hey" he said he was sounding depressed or Something i opened my door fully and stepped aside so that he could enter in

"thank you" he said and sit on the bed and watch me as i close the door "before you say anything i wasn't stalking you i saw you coming to this hotel crying last night" i nodded silence took over the room but i decided to break it

"so are you here to talk about something yoongi hyung?" i asked as i sat on the couch which was in the room only

(a/n-: how many of you thought it was jungkook)

"yes actually" he said and looked at me we never had a proper conversation before but he is a nice guy he look mean but he isn't at all he is very sweet infact "so jimin come back right?" he said i nodded feeling a bit down after hearing his name

"i know how it feels i like him i was the one who introduced jimin and jungkook but they ended up for felling each other jungkook is like a younger brother so i gave upon jimin for him" he said

"it must have been hard for you" i asked he nodded but smile i can feel his pain our stories is different but we both ended up getting hurt in love
"indeed it was but once he left i guess my feelings did too" he said

"but now that he has come back and is with jungkook it made me realize how jealous i am" he said i know how he is feeling "i am too but what can we do its just how it is we can't help" i said "we can" he said


Hii guys i want to tell this story is about to finish and maybe you guys get confused in next chapter I'll update it around 12:30 pm here now it is (12:05am)

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