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Taehyung point of view

"you want to kiss me don't you?" he said seductively i was unable to speak because of our closeness and his question but i slowly nod

He pressed my body against his. his soft bunny lips touching mine "hey you two love birds come on come here" lisa said i instantly blushes at the name "love birds"

I noticed that my arms were still around jungkook neck he looked up to where everyone was he slowly tokk us out of the pool with me still blushing "here taehyung wrap it around it's kinda chilly" namjoon said giving me a towel

I took the towel from his hand and smiles at him and wrap it around my body "so we thought about playing a game what do you say?" jin hyung said "what game" jungkook asked looking at lisa

"truth and dare" lisa said yoongi growled and made a annoyed face looking like a cute kitty we all sat down in a circle i sat in between soobin and namjoon "okay so the front of the bottle mean that the person has to choose between truth and dare" soobin said "and if end part of bottle land on you than you will ask the question to that person" lisa said

We all nodded and sit in a circle lisa place the bottle in the middle "here we go" she said as she spins the bottle the bottle slowly stop and land on namjoon and yoongi

"yoongi truth or dare" namjoon hyung asked "dare" yoongi bluntly answer namjoon thought for a while and said i dare you to let beomgyu sit on your lap" beomgyu had a slight pink tint on his cheek while he get up and sit on yoongi hyung lap and he put his arms around beomgyu

"done now let's continue" yoongi said and soobin spin the bottle this time and it landed on me and jin ahhh i am kinda scared "truth or dare" jin hyung asked i was going to take truth but then i would be a coward so i choose "dare" i said trying act normal and smile

Jin hyung smirked and i knew i messed up i dare you to kiss namjoon on the lips" i was shocked and looked at namjoon and he had the same expression i was feeling my face burning up and everyone was looking at us "come on just do it" yoongi hyung said

I bite my lip and slowly leaned in and namjoon hyung did the same soon our lips meet i landed a soft peck and pulled away "ok moving on" jin hyung said and spun the bottle while i looked down with my flustered face the bottle lend on lisa and soobin "so lisa do you prefer girl or boy" he asked she blushed a little and said "both" and game continue

My Rude Husband  ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن