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Third person point of view

"kookie bun wake up" taehyung said softly while shaking the sleeping bunny "five more minutes taetae" jungkook said whiningly before pulling the blanket over his head "no c'mon kookie wake up" taehyung said strictly this time

It's been one weeks since jungkook couple come back to daegu and jimin following after two days, a weeks full of dates, sweet and lovely time for both taekook and yoonmin , currently taehyung was in their room yes their room it was jungkook idea to shared the room at first taehyung refused which jungkook understand cuz he need time but from past three days they are sharing the same room

Taehyung was trying to wake up his sleeping bunny "alright alright your kookie is up" jungkook said as he sit up and kissing taehyung on the cheek making taehyung blush

"good now go and freshn up and come downstairs breakfast is ready" taehyung said jungkook nodded and went to bathroom after kissing his baby taehyung giggled and went downstairs to set the dinning table

After few minutes jungkook come downstairs and sit on the chair after done eating jungkook helped taehyung with dishes and giving him kisses time to Time , these past days jungkook come to realize how dumb he was to not see taehyung love for him, calling him names which was so wrong cuz taehyung was literally an angel, smiling brightly at everyone, helping everyone, taking care of everyone


It was after a week taekook couple decided to leave for Seoul giving some alone time to yoonmin couple too and oh yeah in this short period of time taehyung and jimin became really good friends the soulmate what you call them

After a long day of driving they finally reached to seoul, their home jungkook parked the car in the garage and looked at taehyung who was sleeping and snoring cutely jungkook smile like a fool looking at taehyung , he then get out of the car and went to taehyung side open the door and shake him lightly "babe we are here"

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them cutely making jungkook go all uwu he nodded and went inside after looking around the memories were flashing off course not good one heck he doesn't have any good memory here

Jungkook come inside too and see taehyung standing there awkwardly "baby why are you standing like this c'mon let's go to sleep you are tired" jungkook said "umm w-where do i sleep" taehyung asked and listening this jungkook could feel his heart clenches remembering how coldly he was letting the ypunger first sleep on floor for a week then giving him the extra room to use, yelling at him for everything

Taehyung was still unsure of their relationship, yes jungkook has said asked for the forgiveness but still he still scared of getting his heart broken

"with me in my room on bed prince, I'm so sorry for being an asshole to you in the past but from now i will change i will prove you my love for you i will love you till my last breath i promise there's no more suffering from now on for you doll" jungkook said softly and kissed taehyung

The couple went to jungkook room and dreft to dreamland this is the best night till far for taehyung in this relationship


It was after a week jungkook decided to take taehyung on a date it's still early in the morning when Jungkook found himself waking up next to an angel, his baby, his taehyung day by day their relationship is getting better and stronger jungkook never leave a chance to show his love for taehyung

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