You have your period at his house (Tumblr)

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Liam: You arrived at Liam’s and dragged yourself to his bed. You landed in his bed and groaned as you pulled the sheets over you completely. “Well hello to you too, babe.” Liam said while entering the room after you. “Uggghhh.” you responded. “You okay?” he asked while sitting on the bed “I’m dying.” you complained “That’s not good. What’s the problem?” he asked “My period.” you said with pain in your voice “Aw Y/N, what can I do?” Liam questioned “Make it go away.” you whined “I’ll be right back.” he said before slipping out of the room. A few minutes later he returned with a heating pad and cramp medication. “Sit up baby.” Liam instructed. He handed you the meds and put the heating pad on you. “I’ll make you all better.” he said before kissing you on the cheek “Thanks baby, you’re the best.” you responded.

Louis: “Ugh this sucks.” you complained “Ugh this sucks.” Louis mimicd. You kept groaning and whining and Louis kept repeating it “Shut up, Lou! What the heck.” you scolded “Shut up, Lou! What the heck.” he laughed “Seriously oh my gosh you’re so annoying stop talking.” you yelled “Whoa calm down there, what’d wrong with you today?” Louis asked curiously “Clearly I’m not feeling well and you’re making everything worse.” You nagged “Just out of curiosity babe, are you on your period?” Louis asked with a sassy look on his face. “Yes, why?” you asked annoyed “Oh no reason.” Louis said obnoxiously while heading to the kitchen. He came back with ice cream and handed it to you with a spoon “Can you be nice to me now?” he asked. You laughed “I’m sorry baby.” you said before kissing him.

Harry: You were sitting in the middle of the shower letting the water hit you. You had horrible cramps and your back was killing you so you didn’t want to stand up. You didn’t realize how long you’d been sitting there until a very worried Harry appeared in front of the shower “Everything okay in here?” Harry giggled while poking his head in and seeing you sitting on the floor. “No.” you whined “Why are you on the floor?” Harry said in between laughs “Stop laughing at me I don’t feel good you jerk.” He stopped himself from continuing his laughter. “What is it?” he asked concerned. “I got my period last night and I’m in so much pain.” you explained. He turned off the water and wrapped you in a towel. You put clothes on and met him in bed. You cuddled up next to him as he turned on the Notebook and handed you emergency chocolate he had kept especially for days like this in his night stand.

Niall: “What’s the matter babe!?” Niall said rushing to your side as he saw you crying on the couch “Harry” you sobbed “just found out” you sobbed again “he’s a wizard.” you cried while pointing to the television. Niall covered his mouth and began to quietly laugh. “Why did that upset you princess?” he said with a smile “It’s just so emotional.” you said as he wiped your tears. “By any chance do we have any brownie mix?” you asked. “I think so actually.” he said while trying to think. “Can you make me some brownies?” you asked him with a huge smile on your face. “Sure baby.” he put them in the oven and returned to you on the couch. You were holding your stomach and weeping “What happened now?! Did he just get to Hogwarts?!” Niall asked. You couldn’t tell if he was joking or he really thought that’s why you were upset “No it’s my stomach. My cramps are killing me.” you said slowly “Oh that explains a lot.” he said before bringing you meds and cuddling with you until the brownies were done.

Zayn: You rolled out of Zayn’s bed and made your way to the bathroom. When you wiped you noticed blood on the toilet paper “Great.” you whispered to yourself. “Babe!” you yelled. “What’s up?” Zayn asked while entering the bathroom. “Can you go out and get me tampons? I just got my period.” you begged “Of course. Be right back.” he said before kissing you and leaving. You put some toilet paper down on your underwear to keep you from bleeding through until Zayn returned. You cuddled up in his bed until he got back. He arrived a few minutes later and handed you a box. You ran to the bathroom. When you walked out Zayn handed you flowers. “What are these for?” you asked confused “Just because.” he replied with a smile. He handed you a box of your favorite candy. “You’re too cute.” you said feeling lucky to have him. “Oh and just in case you get cramps, I got you some medicine.” he informed you. You just kissed him and cuddled him until you both fell back to sleep.


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