Chapter 15 - Before you know

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure Sir?" Liza asked. But it was ACP Mukherjee who answered.

"Carbon mono oxide don't make its victim suffer. The man is on floor, and from the facial expression it looks like he had to endure lots of pain."

"Difficulty to breath. His eyes are red and the way he is on floor suggests he could not stay sit or stand." He added.

"Which make the chances higher for SO2, adding the presense of AC in this room." She said.

"AC let out carbon and sulfar elements in Environment." He finished.

"What, did you two attend Global summit recently?" Sameer asked in wonder, looking back and forth toward them.

"General knowledge." They both replied in union, instantly annoyed at the other.

"That's so cool." Shree said to Chotu, their eyes on the other two.

"That's freaky." The crime journo commented to herself, frowning.

When the body was sent to ETF and crime scene secured with guards, the team stood inside the room, trying to make sense once again why some event planner was killed who has no possible enemy who hates him so much to kill him like this, chemical, way. They searched the room once again, when Chotu found the wire of the AC was cut. The members of the house informed the AC was out of service two days ago and service man did come to fix it. He went off the get a hold of that service man, though there was little possibility the man was actually from the company. Police sketch artist sat with the maid of the house to draw a picture of the AC mechanic, who had seen him. The team also found a small bottle of chemical inside the AC, after Shree opened it, and of course there was only a stupid way to find out if it's SO2 liquid inside, and not to wait until Liza's team did some test to find out the element.

"Why we are doing this stupid experiment?" Sakshi asked as Rawte and Sameer locked the doors and windows of the study, "Why can't we send it to Liza?"

"Field experiments are fun." Sameer replied, "Besides, I am always ready for a chemical reaction."

"This reaction can kill us." She was half angry half scared. She never thought these people around her to be masochist and silly to endanger themselves.

"A recent study showed law enforcement teams who stick with each other has lower percentage rates of death of one of their own." Shree supplied. Sameer gave an amused look to Sakshi to say 'See?'

"So helpful, Shree." She snapped, gritting teeth.

"Someone throw her out." Riya muttered to herself, frowning when Rawte came to stand beside her, the AC remote on his hand.

"One of us will go, eventually." He answered, and she cursed inwardly, damn that word again, "Ready?" He asked to others.

"No." The crime journo mumbled.

"Yes!" Sameer was enthusiastic.

Rawte pressed the remote, and if anyone was hoping some kind of blast, colorful gas or some other dramatic event, they were wrong. It was not until 10 minutes the air inside started to get heavy, everyone started to cough, their eyes became blur due to tears. The males ran to open the windows and doors, coughing themselves.

"Everyone okay?" Rawte asked to others, a part of himself also thought why on earth he suggested this idea. He, of all people. It was something which she should suggest, not him. Certainly not him. He will duel on that later, he promised to himself.

"No." Sakshi croaked.

"I think today her vocubulary is limited to one word only." Sameer frowned, "Take her out, Shree."

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