19- Waverly Hills Sanatorium

Start from the beginning

"I think Ryan would actually die without you and Shane," TJ says, "Can you imagine Ryan and Devon spending the night here together?" 

"Oh my god," i laugh at the idea of it, the two probably wouldn't make it through. 

"Hey! I'm not as bad as Ryan!" Devon protests but TJ and I just laugh. We stop outside the door and Ryan and Shane prepare to go in when a metal bang interrupts them. 

"What the fuck is that!" Ryan says, turning quickly. 

"It's just a big metal thing. That's not a ghost that's metal," Shane says, 

"Jesus Christ dude," Ryan sighs. Shane looks back at us and then at Ryan, 

"I think we should let 'em know that we're entering, give them a quick uh..." He starts, looking at Waverly and then shouting, "Hey Ghouls! The boys are here!" The whole crew laughs and Ryan shakes his head. Another instant classic. 

We set up in an empty hallway, and Ryan starts with the backstory. Once we finish it's time to really start exploring. We start climbing a staircase that looks straight out of a horror movie. 

"Fuck me," Ryan says, "I feel awful right now."

"It looks like one of the conjuring films!" Shane says, climbing the stairs and looking around, " I got a little spoiler for ya... everything in the building is gonna look like this."

"Yeah I think so," Ryan laughs nervously. "We've really done it now, haven't we?" He says, looking at me and then looking over at Shane. 

"Yeah, we've done it now," Shane laughs, and we climb the rest of the staircase. The next room is the room where they performed electroshock therapy on patients with Tuberculosis of the brain. I stand just in the doorway and get a sweep of the room, meanwhile the boys joke around as usual. They quiet down for a moment to see if they hear anything. 

"Shockingly, I'm not really hearing anything..." Shane says after a minute, "This is the biggest upset. I did not see this coming," He jokes. Ryan laughs and shakes his head. We explore the building a little more and then decide to head outside towards the tunnel known as the "Body Chute".

We start through the long tunnel, it's cold and the cement walls just seem to make it even chillier. TJ and Devon are close by my side for the most part but once we reach the actual chute the two decide they'll wait at the top for Ryan, Shane and I rather than having all of us descend into the dark tunnel. There is a metal gate in front fo the chute which is partially open. 

"oh my god..." Ryan says, "this is awful." 

"Now this is the nightmare," Shane agrees, and he's definitely right. The three of us step past the gate, leaving Devon and TJ on their own. The body chute is just... it's just horrible. I stare down the long tunnel, which is so long that it looks like the darkness goes on forever. 

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, no!" Ryan starts to panic a little. Shane laughs, I think he's laughing at how comically horrific this fucking tunnel is. 

"Oh no! You have got to be fucking-" Ryan can't even finish his sentence, he looks back at me in genuine shock and I laugh. "Are you fucking kidding me dude?" He asks, looking back down the tunnel. 

"This is like satan's cement butthole," Shane jokes as they walk down the tunnel, I hang back just a couple feet behind them so I can get a full shot of the two of them walking down the tunnel. When we get to the part of the tunnel that slopes downward I think we all have trouble coming to terms with just how awful it looks. 

"Oh my god dude!" Ryan says, his flashlight barely penetrates the darkness below. 

"Holy shit!" Shane laughs and I swear I hear a hint of nerves in it. Good to know he's not actually a total robot. 

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