The dream graveyard

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⚠️Warning! ⚠️ The contents of this chapter maybe be cringe filled. Viewer discretion is advised.

The fall happen so fast and I forgot I could fly. My mind was clouded with thoughts when I felt warm arms around my body. I didn't even have to see who it was. I just kinda...knew. I automatically leaned into his touch as I waited for the fall to be over. As we landed on a platform, it extended. We then saw Lavagirl and Max.

"Cuckoo!", Sharkboy said, we immediately ducked.
"Well, at least were on the passage of time. Maybe it'll take us to the dream lair."

"Its going the wrong direction...The dream lair is that way", I said as I pointed.

"Whats in the dream lair", Max asked.

"Its were all the dreams that fuel planet drool are stored," Lavagirl started, "but their being destroyed...", I finished.

"How?", Max asked.

"Thats what we have to find out. " I answered.

"Soon, even Sharkboy, Galactic girl, and I will cease to exist." Lavagirl added.

"Duck!", Sharkboy warned.

"Max, where is your dream journal?", Sharky asked.

"Great thinking Sharky!, we can read his dreams out loud, and turn everything back to the way it was", I stated.

"I may even realize my true identity", Lavagirl said.
"I threw it away...My journals back on earth", Max said, as his face saddened.

Sharkboy clenched his teethed and his fists tighten. I could tell he was getting upset. This time when there was an on coming cuckoo, Sharkboy punched it, causing it to smash into small pieces. This caused Max to flinch.

"We really thought you were the answer Max", Sharkboy said, obviously pissed.

Lavagirl felt a certain way when it came to Max. I knew this and knew she would retaliate.  I gave her a look that begged her not to start anything, as it would only make matters worse.  She looked at me and shook her head as she turned here attention to Max.

"Dont listen to him. He just upset you didn't show up and make him king of the ocean, with a giant fish army to back him up", Lavagirl said 
'reassuring' Max.

Oh damn here we go...

"Look who's talking? You thought you'd find a great use for your powers and heal the planet. Max thought his dream world would be a happy place. We've all been duped", Sharkboy retorted.

As the platform reached its end, we all fell one by one face first.

We groaned simultaneously in pain as we tried to recover from the fall. Especially sharkboy.

"I think you broke my fin", Sharkboy said as held thus breath in pain.

"Sorry!" Max said feeling bad for injuring him.

Sharkboy growled in annoyance. I giggled at Sharkboy's frustration.

After I helped Sharky fix his fin, he kissed my cheek lightly in return.

"We'll never find our way out of the graveyard", Lavagirl stated.

"Darkness--- headed this way!", Sharkboy exclaimed, pointing at the dark clouds moving our way...

I know this chapter was probably bad, so please no harsh feedback 😓But can you guys give me ideas for the smut? like I said I have no idea what I'm doing... Anyways love you guys 💕💕💕

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