The fight

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"Now?",I asked ready to fight.
"Now", LG confirmed.

I sprung up in the air, blasting every single plug with my fiery stars. Sharkboy threw himself in the air into a backflip, punching and crushing the plugs. Mean while, Lavagirl using her powers, tries to take on Mr. Electric. I wanted to help her, but plugs slid in my way. Once I desinigrated the plugs, I look over to find Sharkboy getting electrocuted by the plugs that picked him up and slamming him on the floor.

I flew over to him blasting the plugs off of him. Once I made sure the plugs had lost power, I made sure Sharkie was ok.

"Sharkie, you ok?" I asked.

"I am now..." he replied, but not until he got the chance to look me up and down and wink at me.

And if that didn't make me blush I don't know what would have. But I knew I couldn't let Lavagirl battle Mr. Electric alone, so I replied to Sharkboys comment by tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and smiled while flying of to lavagirl.

I flew to lavagirl as she was blasting Mr. Electric with lava.  I started to blast him myself.

"Feel the burn", lavagirl said as she gave him a few more burns with lava. I've still been shooting stars non stop.

Just when we think Mr. Electric has shut down, he surprises us again. "Not for real", he says shooting electrical bolts at us, cause us to fly away.

"You ok lavagirl?", I say rubbing my head from the pain.

"I will be ", she said back, not looking too well.

"I'll go help Max... he seems to be struggling over there...", I said, just before I flew off.

Max thought it would have been a good idea to tease the plug because it couldn't reach him. Then it hooked it's self to another plug and slid toward Max. I sped toward it and pinned it to the ground so it couldn't move. Sharkboy came and crushed the head of it.
We ran next to eachother back to back in defense poses.

"Projectile asteroids, shark-like reflexes, Intergalactic power, athletic abilities.."

"You guys are amazing!", Max said praising us.

"But is it a enough to defeat Mr. Electric?" Sharkboy and I said in unison, causing us to blush at our same way of thinking.

"We have our secret weapon, remember?" Lavagirl said,finally regained her strength. I gave a little nod in agreement and we all ran up to Mr. Electric.

"Did you really believe you can stop me?" Mr. Electric said as he made strange faces and muscles with his arms.

"I know we can't. But he can!", Lavagirl shouted as she pointed to Max.

There was an awkward silence until I broke it. "Take it way Max." I said, honestly believing in Max.

"Show him what your made of Max!", Lavagirl said, trying to encourage him. I sighed, knowing we're doomed.

"What do I do?", Max questioned.

"I told you this would happen!", Sharkboy said, clearly getting a annoyed.

"Again, I thought he just remember", Lavagirl said, by now we were out of our defense positions.

"Remember what?!", Max yelled getting frustrated.

"The dream! Remember the dream!", I called back to him, as we got picked up by Mr. Electric.

"I don't remember half my dreams", Max said, while being picked up by his legs causing him to go upside down.

"What half your dreams do you remember?", Sharkboy asked.

"This part I remember.." he responded with his face red, looking very uncomfortable. 

"Where are you taking us?", Lavagirl asked.

I gave sharkboy a worried look, but he reassured me by mouthing 'don't worry, I got you'.

"Where all useless dreams go. To the dream graveyard!" Mr. Electric said as he let us go into large tubes...

To be continued...

I am so so so sorry for the long wait. It's just that I have had a bad case of writers block. But I have a question. What if I were to attempt to make a smut? Would you want to read it? 😏
Just let me know💕

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