The return to planet Drool part3

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                            *•*Lavagirl's POV*•*
Once we got in Sharkboy's ship, I handed everyone their goggles.

"Put these on everybody."Blue for the boys, pink for me, and your special galaxy goggles for you Galatic." I said smiling at her. She smiled at me and put them on. She's my bestfriend, and the only girl i can talk about my "girl troubles" with.

"Go anymore boy goggles?", Max ask embarrassed that he got girl goggles. "Uh-huh" Sharkboy said almost cocky like", that made Galactic girl and I laugh.
                     *•*Galactic girl's POV*•*
"How do you fly it?", Sharkboy ask. "You don't know?", Max asked. "Duh, that's sort of been the whole problem", Sharkboy said angrily. Lavagirl shot him a look that meant to "calm down", and I just giggled at both of them. Sharkboy is so cute when he's angry.

"You press go", Max said as he stepped on a peddle and a button sprang up that said, "go".
The ship started shaking and I was starting to get nervous. Sharkboy noticed and stuck out his hand and let me hold it. And believe me, I held on tight.

"How do you fly it?", Sharkboy asked. "Its got an auto pilot" Max answered making weird faces.
"You just thought of everything, didn't you Max?", Lavagirl asked Max smiling.
"Not exactly ", Max said, which made me anxious.
"How do you land it?", Sharkboy asked.
"Thats the part I never thought of", which made me tighten my grip on Sharkboy.

"Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune... You might wanna hold onto something." I said and I was already holding on to something. Everyone grip onto the bars as was we landed. It was a soft crash landing, which had me in relief. Sharkboy was laughing at me, and said I was over reacting. "But we could have died", I said dramatically. That made him laugh even harder, and so was Lavagirl at this point.

We stopped, as Max looked confused. "Recognize your dream world Max?" Lavagirl asked him. "Not really...
I-I feel like I should, but i just don't." He said.
"It's affecting him too." I said as I looked a Lavagirl.
"I thought he would just remember," Lavagirl said as Sharkboy gave him a 'what the heck' look.
"Remember what?" Max asked.

"Your dreams,"I said.
"This planet," Lavagirl added.
"Us," I said.
"Your powers," Sharkboy said with disgust.

"I have powers?", Max asked.

"More than any of us, Lavagirl started, don't you know that?", she finished.

"Everything that is or was began with a dream", I said, "and you dreamt us Max" I said as Sharkboy smiled at me, which I returned. "Us and this whole place ", Sharkboy finished.

"I did? ", Max asked. " Every dream you ever had landed right here on planet drool", Sharkboy answered. "Why is it so dark?", Max asked. " The planet is dying", I said. " Whats the calculation Sharkie?", I asked him." Forty- five minutes until the darkness destroys planet drool," he said." Thanks for sugar coating it Sharkie...." I thought to myself.

"We didn't go to earth to save you Max, we need you to save planet drool", Lavagirl said. Max paused for a second and then finally asked, "But how?" "The Dream Layer is on the other side of the planet, that's where your dreams are going bad", Sharkboy said. " We have to go there and reverse it".

"We'll have to travel through the passage of time" I started," Catch the train of thought," Lavagirl continued "Swim down the stream of consciousness," I continued, "And skate across the sea of confusion ", "now covered in ice..." I added. " Why'd you do that Max? Why'd you freeze the ocean?!" Sharkboy shouted. Lavagirl burned his shoulder, I blew on the burned spot then kissed it."Max didn't mean to do it, did you Max?!"Lavagirl shouted,"Max is a good boy, otherwise you, Galactic girl, and I would be evil, and we're not evil." She finished. "I'm not evil, am I Max?", she asked him.

"I don't- I don't think so" , Max answered almost unsure. " Thats why we brought you here, to put things back in order, Lavagirl started, we just have to stay positive, its not the end of the world", she said. "Not yet its not", Sharkboy muttered, but Lavagirl and I heard it and we shot him a glare.
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"THE DARKNESS RUN!", Sharkboy shouted as he grabbed my arm as we ran like Naruto. " This is like a bad dream!" Max said. "Oh yeah?, just what until you met Mr. Electric. He's the worst bad dream yet". He replied. I laughed at that. We all jumped onto a moving platform. As it moved I could actually the planet. And indeed, it was dying. And I wondered if we could really make it before the whole planet dies. I didn't notice I was crying until I felt something warm running down my cheeks. Sharkboy noticed and wiped them way. "It's going to be ok we can fix this don't worry", he said as he pecked my cheek. I gave him a small smile.

"Where is everyone?", Max asked. "Their mostly trapped on Mount Never rest",Lavagirl started. "By Mr. Electric", Sharkboy added. "But planet Drool is a place for kids to dream and have endless fun", Max stated. "Oh its endless fun alright~", Sharkboy said as he smirked at me... And then it hit me and I started blushing like crazy. "Once you get on, you can't get off", he finished as we heard the sound of children screaming. "Kids aren't allowed to rest, because if they rest, they sleep. And if they sleep, they dream. And if they dream-", "It takes power away from Mr. Electric", I said not wanting to hear about all the bad things the kids are going through. I smiled and turned to Lavagirl and said, "But we're gonna stop him with our secret weapon". "Shouldn't we save those kids first?", Max suggested.

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