"When I am with you I am the most I can be," Peter leant his forearm against a support beam from the building, he could feel Penelope's breath against his lips as he leant over her. Penelope's heart raced as Peter slowly shut his eyes- the street light illuminating his skin with a yellow glow.

Peter leant in as Penelope closed her eyes and did the same. Their lips connected, hearts erupted. Jo watched as the kiss lingered, she felt something that she had never felt before- a great sense of loss, as if the kiss tore Penny away from her. Laurie watched Jo's face fall, he knew precisely how she was feeling- for he felt it too. Watching the one you desire want someone else was enough to pain anyone.

"Oh John, look at them!" Meg exclaimed, breaking Jo out of her disappointed trance, "They're precious," She smiled as they all watched Peter stoke Penelope's cheek as their kiss finally broke.

"Extremely," Jo rolled her eyes, "Can we go home now? I want to finish writing the next chapter of my book," Jo stormed off, Penelope watched as Jo stomped her way through the thick snow, she was about to take off after her- to check on Jo.

"Would you like to spend the night at mine, Lola?" Peter's voice broke Penelope's gaze. A smile slowly filled her entire face.

"I would love to,"


Amy March was always one to stick to her word. Tonight, Penelope Brooks would learn that. With the ashes of her older sisters well written words, she would prove as a force to be reckoned with.

"Wait just here, I'm going to say goodnight to the girls," Penelope smiled down at Peter, who was stood in the snow rather than on the porch, "I won't be but a minute,"

"I would wait much longer than that for you," Peter held her hand.

"You're such a charmer," Jo interrupted their moment, grabbing onto Penny's hands and held them close to her own chest, "Come on, Penny," Jo emphasised the affectionate nickname she had given her.

Lola? What kind of a name was that? Jo would often think to herself. It shoved a weak exterior onto Penelope, she should be given names with strong connotations.

Jo and Penelope laughed in each other's presence as they rushed inside, Penelope tripping slightly over an uneven floorboard. Meg was inside, she had sat herself down on the ottoman next to Beth who was still playing piano.

"Meg you're a million times better than she was-" Jo rushed up the stairs, "Although she was a terrific fainter!"

"I wonder how she managed to turn white as she did?" Meg thought aloud.

"It was quite terrific, I cannot wait to take you Amy- you would have loved it!" Penelope smiled. Amy glanced up at Penelope from where she was intently reading in the corner of the living room. "Oh Beth, you have to come with Amy and I when they are in town next,"

"That would be lovely," Beth quite often felt drowned out by the noise and life her sisters brought with their presence, but Penelope always noticed her- she was glad that she and Jo were so close.

"Ugh, that Mr. Brooke, could he be any more... obsequious?" Jo called back down, her voice echoing throughout the attic. Penelope rolled her eyes, standing behind Beth as she played.

"I thought he was very well- mannered," Meg remarked. Penelope looked over her shoulder to see the smitten gaze that Meg had on her face.

"Jo, hurry down so I can say goodbye- Peter is waiting" Penelope leant forwards towards the stairs.

"Hold on, let me just get this idea down!" Jo responded, the sound of shuffling draws came from upstairs.

"Are you not staying the night?" Beth looked up at Penelope.

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