"Make sure Jacob knows I smiled when I did it." Darhk says before he and his men, Andy included grabbed the idol and went running out of there.

The moment they were gone, Laurel, Thea and John were freed from Damien's spell and rushed over to see Oliver still cradling his wife in his arms.

"Katie!" Thea knelt down beside them, taking the woman's hand. "No, no, no! You can't leave!" Oliver dropped his forehead to hers.

"We have to get her to a hospital." Laurel said, looking down to Oliver who didn't move right away.

"It's pointless." Oliver lifted his head because the words came from the woman cradled in his arms. "I told you not to get in my way. I told you-" she began coughing and only more blood spilled from her mouth. It was too much blood. She turned back to Oliver who shook his head. "I told you your wife is dead. I guess now you get to see it for yourself."

"No," Oliver said before sliding his arms underneath and lifting her up as he stands. "You don't die like this." he was about to rush out of there to find anyone who could help.

"Ollie!" he didn't turn at the call of his name because right now only one thing mattered. He rushed out of there, and his friends were right behind him. The alarms still blared around them. It's why they didn't hear the distant sound of whistling.

One week later it rained. It was fitting for the day. Oliver stood staring at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a black suit he thinks he may burn before this day is over with. He knows he won't be able to look at it after today because he knows it will only remind him of this day. This day was possibly the worst day of his life because today was the day he would have to finally say goodbye to the woman that breathed air into his lungs, who made his world spin.

He didn't change out of his gear as he burst through the doors of Glade's Memorial Hospital carrying the limp body of his wife inside. Ethan stood waiting for him at the nursing station with a gurney. He cleared everyone out with some lie about the area being contaminated with some sort of possible airborne contagion. Thea had called him and told him they were coming, and even though she told him about Katie, seeing her bloody form in Oliver's arms was a sight he just didn't expect. He allowed himself only a second to pause and accept this moment before he began moving.

"Oliver you have lay her down on the gurney." Ethan ordered, but Oliver didn't move. He didn't even seem like he heard Ethan's order. "Oliver!" Oliver lifted his head at the sound of the voice. "Put her down and let me save her." that's all Oliver needed to hear before he gently laid the woman onto the gurney. The moment she was down, Ethan rushed her away, and they all followed. "Hey Kit, can you hear me?" Ethan pushed her into a room, and looked down to see the woman never opened her eyes. "When did she lose consciousness?" he glanced back to the eyes on him and no one said a word. "When?!"

"Uh, maybe like ten minutes ago." Laurel said. "Her eyes were open on the drive here, but then-" they all turned back to the woman lying on the bed. "Oh god."

"Nope." Ethan said with a shake of his head. "Not yet. Look I'm going to help her, but I'm going to need the rest of my staff, and that means you all have to leave and come back less masks and leather." Ethan turned slipping on a pair of gloves before pulling open her shirt to examine the wound. It was still bleeding. He looked back to see that no one had moved. "Guys, I know the last thing you want to do is leave her, but trust me, I have her, ok." he turned to Oliver who he was sure was probably completely out of it right now. "Oliver, you have to go. No one can see you guys like this." Oliver lifted his eyes from his wife and looked up to Ethan.

"Ethan, you have to-" words were failing Oliver in this moment.

"I got her." Ethan once again assured him. It was John who tugged Thea with him because it didn't look like she was going to move either. Laurel took Oliver's hand and tried to pull him with her. Oliver's eyes looked to his wife before he walked over and took her hand. He leaned down to her ear.

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