In Search of Hope

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"A leader is a dealer in hope."
-Napoleon Bonaparte

"Let me go, you son of bitch!"

Katie angrily tries to pull from the man's grasp as they walk further into the restaurant. Her eyes search around, noting all the empty tables except for one. There was a man sitting, his back to them before he finally stood and turned to her. He noticed the man's hand on her arm and he frowned.

"I don't believe I told you to touch her, Mr. Dane." the man said and the goon holding Katie's arm suddenly let her go. "She's pregnant, and you pulling her around like that could injure her and her child."

"You said to get her inside, so I got her inside."

"You're right, that is what I requested of you, but I assumed you would have identified the sensitive nature of my request when you actually laid eyes on the woman." the man turned to Katie with a smile. "Please accept my apologies for Mr. Dane here. He hears the orders but doesn't quite understand them sometimes."

"But sir-"

"You can leave us, Mr. Dane." the man said, the request not even needed to be repeated twice as the goon turned and disappeared from the restaurant.

Katie eyed the man standing in front of her, trying not to show the confusion and shock that she felt. She'd seen him before. In that weird hallucination when she was on the train. But he was standing right here in front of her.

"Oh, where are my manners?" he walked over to her, holding out a hand. "My name is Damien Darhk, and Dr. Robins I have to say I've been dying to meet you." Katie kept her hands to her sides and she simply silently stared at the man. "You don't have to be afraid, this is merely me catching up with the daughter of an older friend." he looked her over, studying her as if searching for something. "Are you hungry? I'm hungry. Come sit." the man turned and headed for the table, grabbing a chair and pulling it out for her before turning, only to see Katie had not moved from her spot. Darhk sighed, before turning fully to her. "So who was it? Your mother? Father?" he took a few steps toward her. "Maybe it was your bastard of an uncle. Which one of them regaled you of stories about me, because I'm almost certain they just aren't true." the woman still didn't utter a word, something that was starting to annoy the man. For some reason he wanted to hear her speak, and maybe figure out what this feeling is that was crawling inside of him all of a sudden. "You look famished, and this restaurant has the best Foie gras in Star City. It's divine, you must-" the man's sentence was cut short by the distinct sound of three gun shots from outside the restaurant. Katie didn't turn away from the man, even when she heard the sound of the gun shots, and the sound of door behind her opening. Footsteps neared, and soon a hand took her arm. That's when she finally turned, relieved at the sight of Martin. "Mr. Ellis, I'm sorry but this was a private invitation. Me and the good doctor were just catching up."

"I think you're all caught up now." Martin said before turning to Katie. "We're leaving." Katie gave the man a nod before turning back to Darhk who simply smiled to her. "This building is surrounded with enough bullets to make your name, your reality Mr. Darhk. You will never come near this woman again, if you do, well this is when I would come up with some serious metaphor that makes you cringe, but I'm going to be up front. You even breathe in the good doctor's direction, and you will be killed."

"You know these threats would hold a bit more weight if they weren't coming from the head that's usually in an ass. Jacob not man enough to rescue his own daughter. I hope he's alright. There's this terrible bug going around, and I hear it's making people practically feel like they're dying." a smile curled at his lips before looking back to Katie. "It was very nice meeting with you doctor. I hope to see you once again." with that the man turned and headed for a door in the back of the restaurant.

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