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"Life is a journey that must be travelled
no matter how bad the roads
and accommodations."

-Oliver Goldsmith

Oliver opened his eyes, the sun filtering through the window. He turned his head, the sight of the empty space beside him reminding him of the pit in his stomach. With a sigh he lifted himself from the bed and headed to the bathroom to start his day.

He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, shaved, each menial detail blurred away by that ever present pit in his stomach reminding him that this house was empty. This big house that use to be filled with the laughter of his daughter, or the humming of his wife as she washed dishes.

Oliver stood in the empty kitchen, his eyes traveling the room with a shake of his head. He heard the sound of his front door opening, and he lifted his eyes to see the appearance of his sister.

"You didn't ring the bell." he said and Thea only shrugged before walking over to pour herself a cup of coffee.

"This is practically home now, so I figured-" she looked over to her brother who seemed to have zoned out as she was answering his question. "Ollie?"

"Hmm?" he turned back to her with a furrowed brow. "Did you say something?"

"Are you ok, you're-" she walked over with a slight shake of her head. "You seem weird."

"It's eight o'clock in the morning and this house is quiet. This house is never quiet this time of day." he pointed to the high chair near the table. "Twinkie would be there trying to feed Robyn the oatmeal she just hates." he chuckles. "And she tries until Robyn finally spits it all over her, followed by that tiny laugh that-" a smile pulled at his lips as the faint sound some how plays in his head.

"Ollie?" Thea places a hand on Oliver's arm, sitting down the mug and moving to stand in front of him. He takes a deep breath and looks down to meet her eyes. "When do you leave?"

"That depends on the verdict." Oliver replied folding his arms over his chest and leaning back, his eyes going back to that high chair. "Damien Darhk can't go free."

"He won't." Thea assured him. "After Captain Lance's testimony yesterday, there's no way in hell a jury won't see what a monster that man is." Oliver turned back to his sister with a nod. "Damien Darhk is going to spend the rest of his life in prison, and when the judge throws out this dismissal you're going to get your butt on that plane and you are going to go back to your family."

"That's the plan." Oliver sighs. "Have you spoken to Felicity?" Thea lets out a heavy sigh before picking up her mug and taking a sip of her coffee. The previous night was a success. Cutter was captured, but it came at a price. At the dress factory where Cutter was held up, the team discovered a wall the woman filled with articles of engagement and wedding announcements. Turns out there was a couple they knew personally on that wall. The upside was that the announcement of Bruce and Felicity's engagement would actually help them come up with a plan to trick and capture the Cupid. The downside would be that the couple who was still broken up, and still being ravaged with those emotions would have to put on act. They'd have to pretend to still be blissfully in love, and too anxious to get married. With a few leaked rumors to the press about a secret wedding, a plan was set. Cutter fell right into their trap. Her obsession with trying to destroy love would be her downfall.

"I tried calling her this morning, but I didn't get an answer. You talk to Bruce?" she asked and Oliver shook his head. "Do you think he went back to Gotham?"

"Not until he finds out what's happening with Darhk." Oliver replied, his eyes glancing over to that high chair once again. Thea follows his eyes and sigh.

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