Sins of the Past

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"It's your own fear of failure that stops you from doing things"
Anupam Kher

Arabic Translations:
"'urid musaeadatak." = I want to help you.

"aldamu ln yunqidh ruhk." = Blood will not save your soul.

Sometimes it's the unknown that hold our greatest fears. Right now Oliver Queen had no idea where his girlfriend, mother of his unborn child was. The moment he was done with his speech, his eyes went to the crowd, looking only for her face and his heart raced because he couldn't find it. So as he left the podium, he pulled a smile to his face as cameras still were pointed at him. His heart rammed in his chest, as he shook hands, and gave a small smile to the flash of cameras. He glanced over to his sister who seemed to see the slight distress in his eyes, and decided to take a step forward and announce that the press conference was over and that Oliver and his campaign workers needed to get to work. Not too long after Thea made up another excuse to clear out the interns. Once they were gone, Oliver, along with John, Thea and Felicity headed downstairs where they waited for Felicity to give him a location on Katie's phone.

"How did she just disappear?" John asked with a shake of his head. "We were all there?"

"Yeah, but everyone's attention was on Ollie." Thea replied nervously hovering behind Felicity looking to the computer. "This is taking longer than normal, what's going on?" Felicity didn't say anything right away, which only made them all worry.

"Felicity?" Oliver spoke taking a step forward. He looked down to the screen that seemed to still be processing whatever Felicity had entered. "Where is she?"

"I-" Felicity pulled back her hands, and turned to Oliver, the nervousness now written all over her face. "I don't know. I can't get a lock on her phone." Oliver didn't say anything, because those words were not words he needed to hear in this moment. He didn't say a word before he turned, pulling off is suit jacket, and pulling at his tie.

"Oliver, wait, we need to just think this through." John suggested to Oliver who moved as if he didn't even hear the man. He stalked toward the display case, about to put on his hood when Thea took a step forward.

"Wait, Oliver, where's your phone?" she asked and Oliver stopped and turned to her. "Before we hop on the worst case scenario, let's just cross off the mostly likely. Maybe she called you, left a text. Where's your phone?"

"My-" Oliver headed back to the table, to grab his jacket. "I turned it off before the press conference." Oliver pulled the phone from the pocket and powered it back on. Letting out a heavy sigh at the sight of a message from Katie's phone. When he opened the message, he frowned before grabbing his jacket and stalking toward the elevator.

"Oliver, what's-" Thea rushed after the man, but stopped as the elevator doors closed. She growled as she turned back to the confused looks of John and Felicity.

Oliver stepped outside the office, and rushed toward his car only for something hard to suddenly strike the back of his head, bringing darkness to his world.

There was a soft hum of a lullaby moving through the air, and it brought a smile to Oliver's face. He walked through the familiar hall of their house, before finding the nursery. He pushed open the door, and the smile quickly fell because the room was completely empty.

"They're not here." Oliver looked up at the sound of the voice, and saw someone he most definitely did not expect to see. "He's getting closer and she doesn't even know it."

"Mrs-" Oliver took a step toward her. "Mrs. Robins?"

"I'm sorry, I don't have much time and you being knocked out allowed this meeting." she took a step toward the man. "I didn't think the pedals worked, but I was wrong. It's happening Oliver, and you need to keep it away."

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