~39~ Every day a short letter

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~39~ Every day a short letter

After Yibo left, I called first my in-laws and then Hae Jin and told everyone that I did not want anyone to interfere unbidden with Yibo and me again. I also told them that I couldn't stand it and I couldn't understand why they put such pressure on Yibo. It wasn't their job to rebuke him or to reproach him.

Furthermore, I made it clear to everyone that I would, at my own request, claim a few days for myself and want to remain undisturbed. They didn't really like it, but they accepted it and only told me that they hoped I would come back home soon. Hae Jin said that he hoped I would not retire too long.

For the rest of the evening I couldn't get Yibo's sad look out of my head, nor the conversation with the baker today. She was right when she said I was hurting Yibo with my behavior. I could see it in his gaze. I saw how hurt he was. In order to work on myself and my behavior, I decided to look for a new psychologist. I don't want to hurt Yibo anymore, I don't want to hurt myself either.

With a little stomach ache I went to bed in the evening and had to think about Yibo and how much I missed him, for a long time. But at some point the sleep had caught me up and let me glide into the dreamland, into a confused dream.

When I woke up in the morning, took a shower, had breakfast and got dressed, I searched the internet for psychologists and their assessments. The best one I called immediately and was even connected to him. I described my situation to him and he gave me an appointment for tomorrow morning. I hope he is better than my last psychologist.

Because I didn't want to waste the day sitting around at home, I decided to put on my shoes and go out for a while. Kill some time until the museum opens later.

I walked down the stairs and passed my black mailbox, looking at the three round openings there. I saw a white envelope behind it. I opened the mailbox and took out the letter. No sender, it just stood there, for Zhan. I opened the letter and smiled, it is from Yibo.

"Good morning my dear ZhanZhan, I hope you slept well. I miss you very much, and hope you will soon be home again, so that I too can sleep well again. I am sorry that I neglected you and us and how I behaved and hope that you can forgive me. Until then, I will wait patiently and every day I will put a short letter in your mailbox. I want you to see that I am really sorry and I mean it. I love you and I don't want to lose you. I will give you all the time and space you need, just please don't leave me. Do you know when I fell in love with you? When I saw a picture of you with a smile on your face. Your Yibo."

I wonder which picture he means? In my apartment in Beijing, there are many pictures of me smiling, but which one could it be?

I spent the day with thinking, a visit to the museum, a visit to the bakery, unfortunately the old lady was not there and in the evening I had been running again. After I took a shower, had something to eat and made myself comfortable on my sofa, I called Yibo and thanked him for the letter.

He was very happy about my call and I couldn't resist the question which picture he meant. But he only said that he would tell me soon. Now I am not smarter than before and I will have to be patient even longer. We talked for about half an hour before it was time to say good night.

When I woke up the next morning, I ran to the mailbox in my pyjamas and bathrobe and there had indeed been another letter from Yibo.

"My dearest ZhanZhan, another restless night has passed for me, I hope at least you had a peaceful sleep. This morning when I got up, I missed you even more than yesterday. As I was just standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, shaving, I thought about whether I should let my beard grow until you came back to me. But I decided against it, I bet you wouldn't like it if I let myself go like that. I know how much my good looks mean to you. Do you know when I couldn't get you out of my mind? Want me to tell you? It was right after I saw you. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I wondered how you were doing. I never thought you would be once lying in my arms. I love you Zhan, your Yibo."

And the next morning I had a letter in my mailbox, plus a photo and a sunflower.

"My sweet ZhanZhan, I dreamt of you last night. I dreamt you came home and you were lying in bed next to me. I woke up with a beating heart and was disappointed to discover that unfortunately it was only a dream. I didn't think it was possible, but today it is even worse than yesterday. My heart hurts, I miss you so terribly. I hope to see you again soon. Today I'll tell you another secret, my love. Today I'll tell you that I fell in love with you six months ago. Besides, without you, the office feels as empty to me, like the bedroom and our bed. I love you, your Yibo."

I was shocked when I read that letter. He fell in love with me six months ago? So before I even started working for his company? But then how could he have seen a picture of me? This question kept me asking myself all day and I hoped Yibo would answer it for me in the evening when we talked on the phone. But once again he just said, soon.

Also the next day a letter was waiting for me in my mailbox. In addition a little heart of plush, a red rose and a book of my favorite author.

"My precious heart, I love you and I missed you terribly. My night was short and very restless. How did you sleep? Have you ever felt a little crazy but at the same time a good feeling? I did when my parents and I got a phone mail six months ago and were asked to talk. I'll tell you about that later. I promise I'll do it soon. I'll explain everything, I promise. Will you be home tomorrow evening? I mean, because it's my birthday and I'd like to celebrate it with you. Or, may I come to your apartment? Please let me at least see you on my birthday. I love you very much, sweetheart. Your Yibo."

I didn't even know it was his birthday tomorrow, so I hastily got a present for him today. I wonder if he'll be happy when I give him the present tomorrow. Will he be happy about his new motorcycle helmet? I have just painted a caricature of him and me on the helmet. I hope he likes it.

More and more I ask myself what all these hints he seems to give me are about. I mean, he addresses something and then just says, he will explain it to me soon. It's very strange.

When I called him that night, he told me why his night was so short. Apparently Seo Kyung picked up his daughter again. He said he misses her too much and wants her back. At first my in-laws had been against it, but when Jin Mi said she wanted to go back home as well, they gave in. However, they probably hired someone to keep an eye on their son and granddaughter.

I have been here for five nights now and another night lies ahead. It is time to go home and take my place next to Yibo. And I am not saying that because now I know that Jin Mi is gone, but because I don't want hear Yibo crying when we say goodbye on the phone. I also miss him terribly and I want to be with him again.

A/N: I guess chapter 42 will be when the truth is revealed. Because I will use chapter 40 again to present the POV of Yibo. And chapter 41, for the reconciliation of the two.

My second chance to love! [YiZhan FanFiction] ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu