~23~ The new son-in-law

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~23~ The new son-in-law

We have just managed to cope with everything. Get up, shower, get dressed, get breakfast. My parents got to my house on time. The doorbell rang, I ran to the door and opened it and Yibo stepped beside me. My father entered the apartment first, then my mother. They greeted me as usual with a long hug and then stared at Yibo.

I was about to explain who he was and why he was with me when my father said, "Well, this must be our new son-in-law." And my mother nodded her head eagerly. My parents hate to be corrected, but does this also apply in the case where I explain to them who Wang Yibo really is and what our relationship is?

Relationship, I don't even know what relationship we have to each other. Does cuddling and kissing already count as a relationship? I don't think so. As long as we don't say it's a relationship, it's not a relationship!

My mom tweaks Yibo's cheeks slightly, turns him once in a circle as if she was checking out some merchandise in a store and then shakes her head. "Wang Yibo, you really should eat more. You are very thin. But at least not as thin as our A Zhan."

I tell my parents that we should sit at the table and have breakfast first and they agree

While we were sitting at the table, my parents tried to pretend they were educated and smart. My mother took the newspaper she brought from my mailbox and pretended to read it. Unfortunately, she didn't even realize that she was holding the newspaper upside down, and my father didn't realize it either.

After she was "done" with the newspaper, she told me that there were new safety regulations in the factory now, after there was an accident. My father told Yibo that they are now allowed to wear work shoes with steel toecaps, which they got from their foreman. I would have liked to have told them that in this case it is not allowed, but necessary, but I kept silent.

After breakfast we immediately set off for the cemetery, or rather the urn house there. We only made one stop on the way, at the flower shop. The florist had not promised too much. Once again she prepared a nice bouquet of flowers. She called me her favorite customer and unfortunately I had to tell the old lady that I am going to Korea soon and then unfortunately I will not be able to buy flowers from her anymore. She looked at me sadly but said she understood.

"I remember your husband used to come here at least once a month to buy a bouquet of flowers. He used to say it had to look as beautiful as his boyfriend and then later, his husband. He beamed with joy and happiness every time he talked about you. It's just cruel that he had to leave so early. But I'm glad you gave me the opportunity to give him a treat once a week by giving me a free hand with the bouquets."

I nodded, she often told me about Seo Joon and thanked me a thousand times. I'll really miss her. Especially our talks on Sundays, over a cup of tea and biscuits. "You'd better go out now, your parents are probably waiting." She said, as I looked longingly at her teapot. I agreed and promised her to have tea with her again next week, she laughed, hugged me and we said goodbye to each other.

When I arrived at the urn house, the first thing my mother did was to clean the safety glass that is there to protect the urn and the pictures that are there. She talked to Seo Joon: "You know, our A Zhan obviously has a new boyfriend now. But don't worry, even if we get a new son-in-law, we will still love you and miss you very much."

I exchanged the flowers and looked at the pretty urn and the pictures of him and of him and me. I feel as if I had taken them only a few days ago. The one picture, I took the morning of the day he died. Had I known he was gonna die, I would have taken more pictures of him. No, I wouldn't have let him go. I wouldn't have let him die and leave me alone.

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