~1~ Suddenly in love

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~1~ Suddenly in love

I spent a whole 18 years of my life hiding like a scared rabbit from everything and everyone. I was so shy that I had no friends and had only myself and my parents.

However, my parents were just like me. They earned their living as factory workers and otherwise lived a quiet and secluded life. They never went out, had no friends, well, let's just say they are very introverted people.

They taught me all my life not to trust anyone. That I should stay out of trouble and not act like the others. Whatever that means.

But when you hear this every day in your life as far as you can think back, then at some point you internalize it and you believe that it is better to be alone. And if you are used to be alone, then you don't mind being alone. After all, you don't know any other way.

At school, I often heard girls say I was good-looking. Well, that may have been true. But what use was my good looks if I was discouraged and shy? And even when some boys tried to make friends with me, I avoided them.

But they didn't think I was strange or annoying. Instead, they always said they felt sorry for me. They were always kind to me, never said a bad word to me and yet I was a coward to approach any of them.

At my graduation ceremony at high school, some of my classmates came up to me and offered me their hand. They wished me all the best for the future and above all, more self-confidence and trust in other people. They wished me many friendships and that I would find love.

It made me think about what they said and I asked myself if I really want to continue living like this? I was like a rabbit that hid in its burrow when it sensed danger and only came out again when the danger was over.

With large crowds I panicked and always tried to sink into the masses. Not to be noticed in any way and attract attention. That was my rule.

Maybe that's why I applied to the smallest university in the country. The Gusu Lan University of Beijing. Only a few students were accepted there each year and they had to be among the best.

And since I had no friends and always studied at home, I was one of the best. That's why I was one of the few lucky ones who were accepted at this top university.

And before I left for Beijing, my parents told me the usual: "Don't trust anyone! Always be alert! Try to stay out of trouble! Don't try to be like the others."

Because the university does not offer dorms, I had to look for a room in a shared flat. That's why I actually wanted to go to Beijing a few days earlier. But my parents were against it and as a good son, I listened to them of course.

The only problem was that I had to carry my suitcase around with me on my first day at the university.

I arrived at the university in the morning and stood in the middle of the small campus. I held an orientation map of the university in my hand, even though you didn't really need it, as if it were a valuable treasure.

Well, actually I just wanted to hold on to something. So I stood there, next to me my big suitcase and in my hand the map, when I saw someone coming towards me. I stared at the person, not because I was afraid, but because his appearance blew me away.

He was still a few meters away and I had no idea who he was or if he was really coming towards me. But just to see him walking in my direction, just to look at him, made my heart beat violently. My pulse raced and my breathing became faster.

 My pulse raced and my breathing became faster

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And the closer he got to me, the warmer I got. I knew that my cheeks were glowing red when he suddenly stopped in front of me and smiled at me. "Hi, I'm Park Seo Joon. May I show you around?" I nodded and he took my hand and my suitcase and showed me everything.

I knew at once that it was love at first sight. Even though I'd never been in love before in my life. I didn't even know that I liked men. I only saw Seo Joon and I knew I loved him.

While I was silently following Seo Joon, who constantly held my hand, and let him show and explain everything to me, my heart was beating so loud in my chest that I was afraid he would be able to hear it.

Since there were no classes on the first day, I could go home after the lunch I had with Seo Joon in the cafeteria. So my flat share. I was very nervous because I only knew I would have two other male roommates, but that was all I knew.

And to make matters worse, there were no names, only numbers on the doorbells. So I didn't even know their names. Nervously, I rang the bell at 1092 and the door opened with a click. Since the apartment was on the ground floor, I did not even have to use the elevator or the stairs.

I simply went into the corridor to the left, then to the far end and knocked on the door. And my heart almost jumped out of my chest when I saw who opened the door. It was Seo Joon.

He and his best friend Park Hae Jin, who both come from South Korea, shared the apartment and rented the spare room. To me! Even though they didn't need a roommate to pay the rent because of their rich parents.

The three of us got along very well right from the start. And through them, I learned what friendship means. But also what trust means. And Seo Joon taught me about love.

It only took a week for Seo Joon and me to become a couple. He pulled me out of my shell little by little and for the first time in my life I was not afraid or worried. I was happy.

Of course my parents did not like me having friends or even a boyfriend

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Of course my parents did not like me having friends or even a boyfriend. But they respected it and never judged me for my relationship with a man. For them it didn't matter if I loved a man or a woman, the main thing for them was that I didn't get hurt.

Seo Joon had always been good to me. He took care of me, he loved me sincerely and he made me insanely happy. Every day he told me how much he loved me. He kept on surprising me with new things.

He made me feel free and there was nothing left of the old Zhan. I had become a completely different person through him. But also through Hae Jin.

When I started my fourth year at university, Seo Joon and Hae Jin started to work. They graduated from college and actually wanted to go back to South Korea but stayed because of me.

Seo Joon because he loved me and Hae Jin because he became my best friend. There was nothing we didn't do together. It was just the three of us.

They took me to the university in the morning and picked me up later. And when Seo Joon was free for lunch, he used to come visit me at the university. 


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