The Prom!💃🏻❤️

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They all came into the hall together.  They are happy that the hall is in good condition.  They saw one by one students of the Momos and Poposi academy arrive and enter the hall in very beautiful clothes.

All the princes and princesses reprimand all the students. They are relieved that all the students are happy with the Prom.

Prom will begin with the speech of the president of each academy that is President Alex and Princess Han Su jung.

"Good evening, everyone. Before we start the Prom, I would like to say a few words. I hope the Prom will go well and I hope you all get to know each other. Enjoy this Prom. Thank you. "  Alex gave a warm welcome.

"So, let's start this Prom!"  Princess Han Su Jung officiated the prom.

The song began to play and the dancing couple began to get ready in the middle of the hall to dance.

(Y/N) just stared at the edge of the hall with Neelam who reprimand everyone around her. (Y/N) saw Charles comforting Carla who very shy. Alex still can't dance well and he apologizes to Han Su Jung for his mistake. Ciel and Gina are having fun and flirt with each other and....(Y/N) can see something hot and burning in the corner of the hall. 

A/N: I think you all know who's burning. I guess no need to mention it😂

At the edge of the hall, there were 3 men standing on the wall, Prince Albert, Prince Felix and Prince Leon.

"I'm sad. I can't dance because no one want to be her dance partner." Felix said sadly.

"Who wants to dance with someone who doesn't know dance like you?" Leon and Albert tease Felix.

"HEY! Don't you dare. You two are not good at dancing too. That's why you standing here with me!"

"I want to dance, but....I don't want to break her (Lilian) heart."  Albert said.

"..... She is here? (-_-)"  Felix said.

"UGH! I want to dance too. LEON! Let's dance together!"  Felix pulls Leon.

"EH?! I don't want to! You ruined my dignity last year. So I don't want to do it again. I'll go first."

"Ish ... where are you going? You don't have dance partner. (ー _ ー ゛)" (Felix and Albert)

Leon left the two and went somewhere.


"Neelam, don't you want to dance?"  (Y/N) asked Neelam.

"I'm going to dance when people want me too. After all, I like communicate with people. It'scall communication"


"Do you really not have a good partner?"

"Erk ... no"

"Don't be sad. Later, there will someone wants to dance with you."

Suddenly (Y N) being pulled by someone.


"EH?! d-did I speak too soon?."  (Neelam)

(Y/N) was pulled to the side of the hall and she saw the person who pulled her was Prince Leon.

"Hey, let go of me. Do you really like to pull people off? Can you please say it first? duh."


"After all, why are you here with me? Aren't you dancing with your partner?"

"How to dance without a partner?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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