Dance Partners 💃🏻 part two!

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The next day.....

Prom is close. All the princes and princesses are busy. The boys handle the microphones at the hall. The princesses were in charge of decorating the hall for the Prom.

They've done their job well for today.  All the princes and princesses returned to the dorms and villa to rest.

In the villa where all the princesses live ...

"*panted* im tired." (Y/N) sighed as she sat in one of the chairs in the villa's living room.

"It's exhausting but worth it if this Prom is succeed as we planned."  Neelam said with a smile.

"Don't you feel tired, Neelam? I see that you are always energetic." Han Su Jung looks at Neelam.

"I'm tired but I'm used to it. Even though, I'm a princess, I'm always trained like this."

"Haih..." (Y/N), Su Jung, Gina and Carla sighed.

"Don't worry, it's only been a few days before the Prom. We can do this! How about I make some tea to cheer you guys up." Neelam got up from her seat.

"All right. Let us help." Carla and Gina said together.

"Ah, you don't have to do it for me. I want to meet someone. I have to go. Bye. Enjoy your tea."

"Isn't she tired? After all, who does she want to see?"


At Garden....

(Y/N) arrives at the park.

"*panted* S-sorry, I'm late

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"*panted* S-sorry, I'm late. I forgot you wanted to see me. I ran from Villa to come here"

"It's fine. Sit here." Leon patted on the chair.

"Drink this." Leon passing a bottle of chocolate water to (Y/N).

"Thanks." (Y/N) drank the water.

"What's so important?"  (Y/N) asked after he drank the water.

"Well, you know Prom is almost here."


" this..."

"W-What is it?"

"Can you teach me how to dance?"  Leon said in one breath.

"Yes...wait what?"

"I heard from the other princesses that you are so good at dance."

"...That's true but .."

"Why? You're not gonna help me? Pleasee🙏🏻. I need to dance with her perfectly."

(Y/N) was shocked for a moment.  "Her? Who?"

"She is....You'll find out at Prom. So can you teach me?"

"...I think so.."

"Thank you so much. So when are we going to start? The prom is close. I need to be able to dance in just a few days."

".... anytime."

"" Leon pulls (Y/N) to the hall where Prom will be held.

"EH?! What if someone saw us?"

"Don't worry, the hall is closed. But we can come in because we are MPPs. So can I dance with you?" Leon extended his hand to (Y/N).

(Y/N) started taught Leon to dance carefully.


Every day after the meeting, (Y/N) and Leon go to the hall to dance lessons. Leon is getting better at dancing. Well, because he has a really good teacher.

The day before the prom .....

"(Y/N), who are you going to dance with tomorrow night?"

".... I'm not dancing. I guess"

"Why not? you good at dancing."

"....I'm really good at dancing, so no one deserves to be my dance partner. Hahaha."

Leon smiles at the joke (Y/N) and they continued dance lesson.


The next day (PROM!😍) ...

MPP members of the Momos and Poposi academy made their final review of the Prom because tonight the Prom will begin.  They need to make sure that this Prom will work smoothly and perfectly.  Their tasks are also completed within the specified time.

At night.....

"Princesses, hurry up. Let's go."  Neelam in a very pretty dress called the princesses.

"Yes, come in" All the girls answered.

"Neelam! You're so pretty with this dress. It fits you perfectly."  Su Jung praised Neelam.

"You're pretty more than i am, Su Jung."  Neelam smiled.

"Ah! Carla, you're so cute in this dress."  Neelam praised Carla

"Thank you. You're pretty too."

"So, .... this is the dress Charles chose for you huh. Uwuu."  Su Jung teased Carla.

"EH?!......" Carla's face turned red.
A/N: Yes, Charles did.

"Hehehe. Gina! You're so pretty. Ciel must fall in love with you again."  (Su Jung)

"Fall in love?!" Gina's face is red.

"Oh, come on. You know he loves you. He must praise you."  (Y/N) walked to the princesses.

Everyone was looking (Y/N) and didn't say anything.

"Why? Did I say something wrong?"

"NO! (Y/N)! YOU'RE SO PRETTY! This dress suits perfectly."  (Carla, Gina and Neelam)

"It's been a while since I've seen you wear this. So pretty!"  (Han Su)

"You all make me blush."

"Hehe. Let's go to the Prom!"  (Neelam)

"LET'S GO!"  (Carla, Gina, Su Jung and (Y/N).


At the Prom ...

"Where are these princesses? They sais they want to come early. But still, late." Prince Felix wearing a black suit and a red tie complaining..

"Patience. They are girls. of course they need to be pretty." Albert in a gray suit said.

"That's right."  Charles, Alex and Leon nod.

"Sorry! We're late!"

All the princes looked at the voice and they saw very pretty princesses walking towards them.

"I-it's okay. Y-you guys aren't too late."  The red-faced Alex said.

"Really? Thank God. Let's get in the hall together."

"Y-Yes! Sure!"  (Alex)

A/N: The princes can't speak because they are amazed by the beauty of the princesses.  (Their partners of course 😂).

To be continued ...

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