The Cafe

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When we walked to the cafe, Leon told me almost all the history of Germany until we arrived at the cafe.

"This is my favorite cafe and the most famous cafe in Berlin"

We entered the cafe and arrived at a table where only two people can sit. We sit facing each other. Leon pulled the chair slowly and said

"Please have a sit"

'gentleman' I said in my heart.

"thanks" i thanked him.

The waiter gave me the menu and I found that the menu was in German.  I only know a few words. I just kept quiet.

"What do you want to order?"  Leon asked.


"Why? You don't like here?"

"No ... I just don't understand German so ..." I lifted both my shoulders (🤷🏻‍♀️)
"AH! I'm sorry. I forgot that this menu is in German. So, why don't I recommend some drinks and desserts for you?

"Really? Okay then."

Leon called waiter and ordered his recommendation. After a few minutes, our order finally arrived and was placed on the table.  I saw a piece of cake and a cup of tea.

  I saw a piece of cake and a cup of tea

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"What is this?"

"This cake is called Strawberry Lemonade Cake. It is made with lemonade and fresh strawberries."

"It sounds good. What about this tea?"

"This tea is sunflower tea."

"Wow, I can't wait to taste it."  I took the spoon that provided and tasted the cake.

"Mmmmm yummy! It's so soft and fresh!"  I said with a smile and closed my eyes.

"Really? I'm glad you like it. Why don't you try that tea?"

"Alright" I raised the cup and lived the tea the way my mother taught me.

"Ah ~~ this tea is so good."

"how do you ..."


"How do you know how to hold the cup like that?"

"What do you mean?"

"The way you hold the cup and drink it like a princes---

"Huh!? Nonsense! My mom said all women should drink like this. It's more civilized"  I quickly cut Leon off.

"May I know where your school at?" I asked Leon

"I don't go to school in this country, I go outside from this country. "

"Me too. But why don't you go to school here? Aren't almost every school in this country rank internationally?"

"Yes, i know but there is no special school for prin--."  The man quickly shut his mouth with his hands.


"I mean there is no special school for people like me who have nothing."

"That's ridiculous. You're so cool, you can tell the history of this country without seeing any books. Isn't that cool?"  I complimented the Leon with a smile.

"I'm not that great" Leon said as his hand rubbed the back of his neck and a little blushing.

"Leon, can i know who are you?"  Leon looked at me with his mouth full of food.

"what do you mean?"

"I mean you look popular. You seem have fans so what's your identity? Celebrities? Actors? Singers? Or ... a Prince?"

Leon chocked for a moment.  "* cough²* I-I'm not anyone."

"Then why a group of girls asking for your autographs and pictures with you?"

"I'm just a normal human being. But maybe a little famous."

"So, you're kind of a celebrity."


We talked while enjoying a meal at the cafe. We kept chatting so much that we didn't realize the time and it almost night.

"Ah, it's too late. I have to go home."  I said.

"let me send you home."

"No need, my apartment and cafe are not too far away."

"It's dangerous for a woman to go home alone at this late."

"Fine, thank you."

After a few minutes ~~~~~~~~~~~

We arrived at my apartment.

"Bye. Thank you. See you tomorrow" I said as I walked into my apartment building.

 "See you tomorrow" Leon waved to me.


Third person POV

5 days in German, (Y/N) always attending garden classes and she has gained knowledge and experiences. Everytime (Y/N) came to the garden class, she always meet Leon. They get closer and they also exchange numbers. Everytime the garden class was over, they would go out for a walk together.

(Y/N) had to go home after the garden class is over and school holidays are almost over. Leon goes to the airport to say goodbye to (Y/N).

"Goodbye, (Y/N). I hope we meet again"

"I hope we meet again too. Bye Leon. Thanks for everything" (Y/N) steps into the airport and returns to (C/N).

(A/N): this is not the ending😂

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