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The next day....

All the princes and princesses got up early and had breakfast. Their meetings will begin after princes's class is over. All the princes went to their classes. While the princesses study together by their own in the villa.

In the villa where all the princesses are ....

After a few hours of studying, they began to feel hungry because it was almost noon.So all the princesses get ready and head out to find the nearest restaurant.

As usual, the stylish princesses caught everyone eyes in the town. After a few minutes of searching, they finally found the restaurant.

"Let's eat here!"  said Gina, pointing to the restaurant in front of them.


While they searched enough seats for 5 people, they met all the pinces.

"Eh!" Han Su jung admonished the princes.

"Princesses, I didn't expect to see you here. Why are you here?"  Alex repented.

"Ah, we were hungry but in the villa there was no enough food so we came here" Neelam replied.

"Ooo, you guys can sit with us if you don't mind." Albert invited the princesses.

The princesses looked at each other and nod to the princes. Prince Charles asked the waitress to add more the table for the princesses. The princes and princesses sat faced each other.  They chatting, laughing while enjoying the meal. They also talk a little bit about Prom.

While other princes and princesses talked, Leon glared towards (Y/N) as he spoke to himself.

'Is she really the (Y/N) that I know?  but what I know is she not a princess.'

Suddenly (Y/N) felt like she being watched and turned her face to her side. Leon's eyes and (Y/N)'s eyes met. Leon quickly looked the other way.

'Ah, did she know I was watching her?'


Leon came up with an idea where he can make sure that this (Y/N) is the one he met in his own country.

'I can text her and hear if there have any ringtone.'

Then Leon sends a message to the number (Y/N).


'Ah! Ringtone'

(Y/N) hears the ringtone and looks at her phone and she notices a notification from Leon and she looks at Leon. He saw Leon is talking to the princes and princesses. She felt a little bit weird.

Now, Leon finds out that (Y/N) is the same person with (Y/N) that he met in Germany.


After all the princes and princesses had finished their meal, they were all on their way to the meeting room together. They are discussing about the prom which will be held in next month. Theme prom of this year's is that every couple will choose one country and they should wear the traditional dance costumes of the country.


After two hours of meeting .....

"I think that's enough for today. Thanks everyone."  Alex said with a smile.

Everyone packed up their belongings and walked to the exit door of the meeting room.

"(Y/N), let's go." Neelam calls (Y/N).

"Wait" (Y/N) quickly packs his things and goes to the princesses.

"Hmm...still early. Why don't we go eat dessert?" (Han Su)

"I see no problem with that." (Carla).

"Ah, you guys can go, I'm tired. I want to get some rest"  (Y/N) tells the princesses in front of her.

"Are you ok?" (Gina)

"Yes, just tired. Don't worry." (Y / N) shakes his head.

"Really? ... Alright then. If there have any problems just call us. We'll bring dessert to you." (Han Su Jung)

"Ok, thanks. Bye"



I walked to the villa alone. My feelings are mixing. I felt quiet, scared and cold. I feel like I'm being followed by someone. I turned my head back and saw nothing. So i thought maybe it's just my feelings.

Suddenly there was someone's hand covering my mouth and eyes. I was pulled by that hand. I was taken somewhere but I didn't see where. I screamed for help but my mouth was closed.

I was stopped and I could feel that hand gone from my face. I open my eyes carefully.

"Who are you?! What you want from me?! You're going to regret it!" I screamed as I opened my eyes slowly.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a man standing in front of me and I knew that man. Prince Leon of Germany. So he brought me here.

"L-Leon, are you the one who pulled me here? What are you going to do with me? Don't you dare. I'll call Su Jung if you dare to mess up with m-!"

Suddenly Prince Leon came closer to me and hugged me as he spoke...

"I miss you .... (Y/N)" by whispering at my ear.

"L-LEON! What are you doing ?!"

"I miss you. I'm glad to see you again."

"Huh?...L-Leon, is this really you?"


Without realizing it, there was water falling from my eyes to my cheeks. I smiled at Leon and I jumped in his arms.



We were sitting on a chair under a large tree. We were happy but we were still embarrassed to see each other. So to end this awkward atmosphere, I started talking.

"So, 'Prince' Leon hah?"  I smile cynically.


"May I ask how many people you have cheated on about you aren't a prince?" I teased him.

"Can I ask you the same question?" Leon replied as he looked at me with 'backfired' eyes.

"Urk! That's ..."

"I'm joking.... ok, Now I know why you know how to hold a cup like that."

"What's wrong with the way I hold the cup?"

"I have a sister, so I've always watched my sister practice and what i know is the way to hold the cup like that only be taught in royal family. So that's why."

"Really?...My turn. Now I know why you had so many fans and so many bodyguards in the garden class that day."

"Erk ... I'm sorry I lied to you that I'm a celebrity and I didn't tell you I was a prince."

"Ah, no need to. I'm sorry too. I tell you that I'm a commoner who only travels in your country."

"Never mind." Leon smiled at me and made me blush.

"I thought I would never see you again."  as I put my head in Leon's shoulder

"Me too. When I heard your name, I was shocked and at first I couldn't believe it but after eat lunch just now, I believed."

"I'm happy to see you."

"Me too."

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