Dare 10 and 11: Turning into his monster/Corrupted Fucking

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@dirtrock1252: I dare Steven to turn into his monster

Notoyleftbehind: They pretty much asked for this so, I dare Corrupted Steven and Corrupted Spinel to do the deed
Tourmaline: *on the couch eating a salad*  Daddy turned into a monster?

Katlady: Yeah, pretty much. Looked painful as hell.


Tourmaline: *frowns* The only dragons I like are the ones in fairytales, and daddy isn't about to rescue mommy now is he?

Cuprid: Aw screw you.

Katlady: Well Dirt... *sips oreo milkshake* Steven is actually in his monster form right now. And....so is Spinel.

Tourmaline: What-

Katlady: *turns on TV* Holy mother of oreo milkshakes, what the fu-

Ass Sprinkles: *on the News* BREAKING NEWS!!! The citizens of Beach City are hiding in fear and SHOCK from the current event happening today! It seems 2 monsters, both pink, are having sexual intercourse right on the beach!!!

Cuprid: ....

Ass Sprinkles: And...oh me oh my...they're really gettin at it-

Katlady: *spits out oreo milkshake* Well shit-

White Stain: You're right Ass Sprinkles!! And thar she blows!!

*Both of the corrupted gems (or half gem in Steven's case) climax and it covers most of BC*

White Stain: .....Now we have white stuff all over the top of the studio. GOD DAMMIT!!!

Ass Sprinkles: Well...now theyre shrinking down. Jesus...

Tourmaline: *traumitized* What the hell were they doing....

Katlady: Since when did you curse-

Tourmaline: I hear momma say it all the time, so is it bad?

Katlady:... n a h

White Stain: oh dear, looks like citizens are complaining and rushing to get somewhere clean.

Ass Sprinkles: Guess we're no longer beach city...more like Cum City. Will we ever get this shit cleaned up? Tune in next time to find out!

Katlady: Well that was nice. Ok kids uh...pretend you didn't see that.

Cuprid: *does the blinking meme*

*Steven and Spinel come in, proud faces and a few dots of theyre leftovers cover them*

Spinel: Man, if thats what happens if I get corrupted, I might get corrupted from now on!!

Tourmaline: Momma...

Steven: ...They saw it didn't they.

Katlady: I mean, literally the whole world went from blue and green to sticky white. It's like God covered us with Elmer's glue.


Spinel: Oh hush, thats how yoou were made.

Cuprid: Wait...does that mean Imma turn to a monster too!? *gasps* I HOPE SO!

Tourmaline: Im scared to drink milk now...

Katlady: Yo what if Spinel's pregnant from that... What if it's a dragon- Guys you're new sibling is gonna be a dragon...!

Cuprid: YESS!!!!

Tourmaline: NO-

Spinel: I mean I can stretch quite a bit, so giving birth to a dragon will be like Steven putting his-

Steven: HEY! How bout we just get cleaned up, yeah?

Spinel: okey dokey!

Katlady: But tell me...Did Spinel, or did she not, have an Injector as a dicc?


Katlady: Fucc-

Keep em comin!

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