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Scene shows Katlady once again slurping her oreo milkshakes
Katlady: sips oreo milkshake Yo Kat Kommunity!

Spinel: in the kitchen and groans Why the fuck are you still here...

Katlady: smirks Oh come on! The party doesn't start without That Swag Kat!

Steven: comes in with a 4 year old Cuprid on his back Well, your dumbass did some pretty unbelievable shit so...

Katlady: Yeah yeah...Anyway, this is a sequel to the 1st ask and dare if you're new to my profile. And don't go there, I swear. If you've been part of the Kat Kommunity for a while, here's another gift from That Swag Kat herself!

Spinel: Yep. Like last time. Ask and dare us, as usual while we start up some mad shit.

Steven: And Kat gets her ass beat.

Spinel: Speakingof... smirks Remember in the original book, you were dared to be my slave? Well, that book ended before the dare did, so it's legacy shall continue.

Katlady: ...fuck.

Cuprid: And you can ask me and my unlikeable twin too!

Tourmaline: from her room Daddy! Mommy! Cuprid took my hydroflask!!!!

Katlady: sighs and slurps oreo milkshake The perks of having kids...

Cuprid: So fill up those comments for dad and mama!

Katlady: Hey kids! who wants to go jump off the roof?!

Cuprid: I do!

Tourmaline: Me too!

Katlady: good! come on!

Steven:...Kat...promise me something...

Katlasy: What?

Steven: Please...don't breed or have kids...

Katlady: shrugs and runs outside Woo hoo!

Spinel: Cup, Tourm? If you don't go out that door I'll let you help me use Kat as my slave.

Tourmaline: grins Oh! A maid!

Cuprid: I'm in!

Spinel: smiles See Steven? That's how you keep the chub-of-loves from following in that hoe's footsteps.

Steven: Yup.

Welp, let's get this party started!

Ask and Dare Stevinel 2! (Yeah, whachha gone do about it??)Where stories live. Discover now