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Quick A/N
This story is taking place halfway through the school year, roughly after the summer training camp. This book will not 100% follow the mangas/anime's story line, so there will be no spoilers!

"Y/N! Breakfast is ready! Wake up Daniel!" My mother yelled as I groaned. I sit up and rub my tired eyes. Why did I have to stay up so late? It's the first day back after what happened. After the villains attacking our summer camp. Remembering it sent shivers down my spine. I had run like a coward to a place I thought was safe while others fought for their lives. I shook my head trying to forget and knocked on my brothers door. "Wake up you lazy ass hat! Time for school! Jeez you'd think after going to school for 3 years you'd wake up on your own." I yelled and left to the bathroom to shower. My brother was a 3rd year in High school. He was older than me by 3 years yet he acted like he was 10. He went to a normal high school, while I was lucky enough to get into the most prestigious school called UA.  He had always been a slacker who barley tried at school or anything. He told our parents he never cared about it and that he'd never need any of it in the real world. That of course put a huge amount of pressure on me to not be like him. About halfway through my shower I heard banging on my door. "Hurry up Y/N! You're wasting all the water you idiot!" He said as he banged harder. I groaned, jeez can't I just be left alone in peace? "I'm almost done, god can you be quite?" I yelled back finishing up quickly. I walked out and to my room as he grumbled under his breath and slammed the bathroom door shut. I got dressed and went downstairs to grab breakfast before heading off to school, today we were going into dorms. Ever since what happened they wanted to make sure nothing like that happened again so they made all UA students go to dorms. "Hey mom!" I said as I sat down with a bowl of cereal. "I'm going to miss you so much! Don't do anything stupid and remember to stay away from boys!" She said washing the dishes. "Mooom! I'll miss you too and please stop with the warnings about boys." I groaned and hugged her, putting my dish in the sink. "I worry about you Y/N, it's a mother's job to worry. If you ever need anything for your father or me please don't hesitate to call us." She hugged back tightly as Daniel walked down. "The potato is finally going to leave?" He said coldly walking past us and to the door. "Gonna miss you to loser." I said shaking my head. "Be nice Daniel, bye you two. After school Daniel please stop at the store and get some meat for dinner. I put money in your backpack." Mom said as he shut the door after me. We walked in silence until we got to the UA gates. "Bye Daniel! Have a good day at school!" I hugged him and he stood stiff as a piece of wood. "Bye Y/N." He said and swiftly kept walking to school. I sulked and dragged my feet past the school to the dorms. As I walked past the doors to the school I saw a familiar head of sleepy purple hair. "Hey Shinso!" I waved at him while rushed over to him as he turned around with tired eyes. "Hey Y/N. I heard what happened and I wish I could of been there to help. That must of been scary." He said as he put his hand behind his neck. "Don't worry, I'm fine! I was able to get to safety! How are you? Still training hard? I hope you can get into the hero course soon!" I smiled brightly at him as he looked away with a small smile as well. "Yeah I am. My sensei it great,soon I'll be strong enough to get into your class. Aren't the hero students going to live in dorms now?" His eyes were darker than usual, a sign he didn't get much sleep that night. "Yeah! I'm heading there now! Hey come to the dorms after school and I'll show you around!" He seemed hesitant at first but gave in easily. "Sure, I should get going. Bye Y/N." We waved at each other and turned separate ways.

When Mr.Aizawa opened the door to the dorms and let us inside my jaw dropped. It felt like I was at a university! "This is the common area. On this floor is also the kitchen and bathing areas. Girls to the left and boys to the right. You will be cooking your own meals here and providing your own entertainment." He said in his usual tired tone. "This place is bigger than my house." I said in awe as Uraraka looked at me with a pale face. "Same, I can't believe I get to live here!" She said as we were pointed to a huge board with the buildings layout on it. "This is a map for the building. There's 3 floors and it shows where you will be staying. Take a good look at it and no, there will be no changes." He said before walking away, leaving us to get ourselves situated. I look at the board, I was on the 2nd floor last room on the right. I noticed I was the only girl on that floor. I walk to the elevator and press the number for my floor. Many kids were waiting to go up to their rooms, but not me. I wanted to get it ready and decorated already. I open my door and see a pretty big room. There was one main window/sliding door and a bathroom. It didn't have a shower,Only a sink and toilet. I was probably going to have to buy some shelves or a small cabinet, for storage. My boxes containing my things and some furniture was already there so I got to work.

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