~Chapter Twelve~

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A few weeks later was the night of Todoroki's masterpiece, at least it was according to him. Everyone else believed that this "Don Juan" opera was going to be the ruin to the Opera Popularie. And although everyone was ready to perform, having their lines, dances, and costumes ready, they all still believed that the Phantom would find some way to ruin their production, even if it was his own opera.

The stage of the opera was decorated as if it was designed by a man with gothic intention. It was built like an arch with nothing but red, grey, and black colors. It was frightening, but yet strangely beautiful to the members of the opera.

As for Izuku, he was beginning to grow even more scared than he ever was before. Bakugo was staying with him in the opera house, much to the anger of his parents, and worked with the police to devise a plan to either kill or at least capture the Phantom and ending his reign of terror for good. But he was scared for the man that he was still in love with. He didn't want him to die, he just wanted him to stop causing chaos. And after what had happened at the graveyard, he especially wanted it to stop.

The night of the opening was rocky. Everyone performed as best as they could just as they were instructed. Bakugo, Yamada, and Aizawa were in box five, which was were Todoroki normally say for everyone performance. The chorus opened, in their rather lewd and strange costumes that was all red, grey, and black. The audience's eyes widened in pure shock, as such lewd costumes were looked on as something so shocking for their time.

The stage revealed a fine table, with fake food and water down wine glasses that was set for two people. The chorus members were placed around the table rather dramatically and also mysteriously. Once the song started, the dancers danced in a rather sexy but lewd way which shocked the audience.

"Here the sire may serve the dam,
here the master takes his meat!
Here the sacrificial lamb
utters one despairing bleat!
Poor young man!
For the thrill on your tongue of stolen sweets
you will have to pay the bill -
tangled in the winding sheets!
Serve the meal and serve the maid!
Serve the master so that,
when tables, plans and maids are laid,
Don Juan triumphs once again!"

Once their song ended, the chorus members danced in a strange way off of the stage. Then came in Aoyama and Yaoyorozu. Aoyama was dressed in a rather big red suit that looked more like a dress on him than anything else. While Yaoyorozu wore a rather revealing black dress that showed off her cleavage and her long pale legs.

"Passirina, my dear, tell me the plan again!" Aoyama, or rather Don Juan, commanded in a rather rude tone.

"Your young guest believes that you are really the master of the house." Yaoyorozu, or Passirina, explained, "And I'm going to help you get together that boy when you and him fine together."

Aoyama, Don Juan, laughed. "Poor thing hasn't got a chance!" 

"Come, my dear friend, you must get you ready!" Yaoyorozu, Passirina, exclaimed and tugged on his arm before dragging him offstage to "get ready."

Izuku, from the wings, let out a small sigh. His stomach felt as though it was doing too many leaps at once. But they had to continue the plan, for it had to work. He entered the stage, wearing an all white yet rather lacy suit like dress. It felt as though this should be worn by a female, but he did not argue with Todoroki's costume design. He looked at the audience innocently, twirling around as if there wasn't a thought in his head.

"No thoughts
within his head,
but thoughts of joy!
No dreams within his heart
but dreams of love!"

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