~Chapter Two~

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For WryWarlock , who adored that I gave Tenya Iida the role of M. Reyer and had an amusing freak out about it.

When Toshinori suggested that Izuku be the understudy for Aoyama's role, Aizawa and Yamada instantly looked at each other and then at the green haired boy, who was still in shock that his ballet teacher would even suggest that he would be able to fill his role. His would be his first ever role in his opera career!

"A chorus boy?" Yamada questioned with a light scoff.

"He's been taking a lessons from a great teacher." Toshinori commented with a prideful smirk.

"From who?" Aizawa questioned.

"Oh, I umm... I don't know his name..." Izuku replied in an uneasy tone, playing with his fingernails in nervousness.

"Oh goodie." Yamada said sarcastically with a sigh, "Can you believe it, Shota? A full house - and we have to cancel!"

"Let him sing for you, sirs. He has been well taught, I promise you." Toshinori explained in a rather convincing tone. Izuku was confused; Why did his dance teacher want him to sing so badly? Did he know his teacher?

The two new managers looked at each other and each let out an individual sigh. Yamada then looked at Iida and pointed to him, "From the beginning."

Iida gave a small smile and tapped his conducting wand against his stand, conducting the orchestra with as much confident as he could. Izuku took a deep breath, trying to calm down as he looked over at Uraraka and Toshinori, who each gave him a thumbs up. He gulped in nervous and when he saw Iida point to him, he instantly opened his mouth and began to sing as best as he could, remembering his teacher's words: "Just let go and sing."

"Think of me
think of me fondly,
when we've said goodbye.
Remember me
once in a while -
please promise me
You'll try.
When you find
that, once again, you long
to take your heart back
and be free -
if you ever find a moment,
spare a thought for me."

As if by the snap of fingers, Izuku was suddenly being fussed over as the Primadonna that Aoyama once was. He was primed and pressed to make sure that he was ready for that night's performance, making sure every costume fit him and each headpiece was good enough to go on his head. Izuku would be lying if he said that he felt like a prince going to the ball.

That night, he was thankful that he was one of those people that memorized every single person's lines. When he stepped out on stage to deliver each of Aoyama's lines, they were perfect and loud for each audience member to hear. And when the time came to sing "Think of Me" once again, but this time for a full house, he felt as though he was in his element. Dressed in a white suit dressed with sparkles and fake diamonds, he felt like the belle of the ball - Or rather, the opera house.

Unaware to Izuku, in one of the boxes, was the Vicomte de Chagny - Katsuki Bakugo. The childhood friend of Izuku himself, his eyes widened at the sight of his old friend singing onstage with a voice almost that of a siren. It was enchanting to hear, and it was hard to believe it was from the voice that once belonged to a boy that cried over the death of a worm. He felt himself smile, his heart pounding in his ears as he heard Izuku finish his song.

"We never said
our love was evergreen,
or as unchanging
as the sea -
but please promise me,
that sometimes
you will think of me!"

As soon as the song ended, Izuku was met with an unbelievable amount of applause - A standing ovation, in fact! None as loud as Bakugou himself, who let out a loud shout of praise for his childhood friend. Izuku took a bow to the crowd as he ran off stage, squealing loudly as he hugged Uraraka happily. "Oh my gosh! I did it!"

Tododeku: The Phantom of the Opera حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن