we have a problem

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Stefan's POV

Two hours after I had run out of the house I decided it was time to go back. As I grew closer to the home I heard  Freya talking to someone. Standing outside the door I listened closely to a conversation I had already missed half of. "What did that good for nothing hybrid brother of yours make you do Freya." I heard Katherine ask impatiently. My eye brows furrowed in confusion but I continued to listen quietly. "Shhh not too loud katherine Elijah doesnt know about..-" Freya was cut off. "Sister as you very well know Im not a fan of threatening family but I am also not a fan of lies or secrets so I'm going to ask this once and once only; what did our brother  Niklaus have you do?" Elijah asked. When I heard him mention Klaus I knew whatever it was it wasnt good but i didnt want to jump to conclusions so i listened on. "He..-" Freya let out an unsteady sigh. "... I poisoned her heart." She finally said. I opened the door and stepped inside my home but no one noticed my presence, they were all too focused on freya and the words that had come out of her mouth; I. Poisoned. Her. Heart. "Who's?" Elijah asked In a voice that made it obvious he already knew. Freya was silent. "...Freya tell me you didnt." He said, slightly begging. "I had to! He said if I didnt make sure she became a hybrid he would kill Keelin." Freya cried. Elijah didnt speak. That's when it clicked. "You killed my sister?" I finally said. Freya turned to me. "Stefan i..-" katherine cut her off. "YOU BITCH!" She screeched lunging at Freya. I vamp sped in front of Freya blocking her from katherine. "Move Stefan." She growled. "Thats enough Katerina!" Elijah said, voice raised. Katherine stopped. "Go get some air." He ordered. "But..-" Elijah shot her a look. "Fine." Katherine said before walking out of the house.  "Freya?" A voice said from the stairs. We all turned to see Tara with tears in her eyes. "You did this?" She asked. Freya looked down ashamed. "I'm so sorry.. but she'll wake up." Freya said. "I know she will but..-" Tara stopped and looked at me. "But what Tara?" Elijah asked. "Tara whatever it is its probably fi..-" she cut me off. "Leigh's pregnant." She said. I froze. Freya's eyes widened. "What did you just say?" I asked her. "She didnt want anyone to know because she hasn't told Tyler yet and..-" Tara stopped as if she had realized something. "Oops.." she said. My eye brows narrowed. "Tara, who's the father?" I asked, my voice hard. She stayed silent. "I'm gonna kill him!" I growled. "Stef wait..-" she started to say, but I was already gone.

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