Chapter 5 - Generating The Blueprint

Start from the beginning

We obeyed Ms. Phumsri's command and went back to our respective room.


"What was that? Why someone was found dead again? What was that girl, Celine was saying?" Athena opened a talk.

"Do you guys believe in her?" Athena asked.

"That we're going to die?" Jean worriedly questioned.

"Yes." Athena answered.

"Do you think that Ms. Phumsri was behind the killings? I mean, the dead body found on our very first day here and the other dead body that was upstairs." I asked them all.

"Of course not. Maybe she was just making a story back there. She just suspected Ms. Phumsri so easily. She even suspected Ms. Isabel as well." Jean answered.

"I actually believe her." Joven talked and contrasted Jean.

"How do you say so?" Jean asked Joven.

"I just know." Joven replied.

"See? You just know. You don't have any proof." Jean continued.

"Wait, why are you defending Ms. Phumsri?" Prim asked Jean.

"I'm not totally defending Ms. Phumsri. It was just so weird that Celine suddenly suspected and blamed Ms. Phumsri." Jean responded to Prim.

"So, what now?" I asked all of them.

"What do you mean?" Prim asked.

"Are we going to have some investigation?" I asked them back.

"No. We are writers and future field reporters and anchors here. We're not some kind of investigating team to do that. It's the policemen's duty, not ours." Jean quickly and rapidly answered.

"I'm in. We are journalists and our main duty is to unfold the hidden lies." Joven said.

"I agree with him. Count me in." Love Janine sided with Joven.

"How about you, weak man?" I asked Luke straightly.

"Who's weak? I'm in Mr. Leader." Luke replied. I was surprised that he didn't attack me back with some insult.

"Guys, are you sure with your decisions?" Jean asked us all.

"Yes, Jean. I also want to join this so-called investigation." Prim answered Jean.

"Let's do this, Jean. We are all in this together. We're a team." Athena encouraged Jean.

"Fine. But I don't want to end up dead." Jean finally agreed to do some investigation.

"Well, of course, I'm also in. I'm the elected leader of our group that's why I want you to know that, I'm not just the leader here, we are all leaders and followers of our respective desires." I stated.

"What have you eaten?" Luke talked to me.

"Eaten? What have I eaten? Well, just a stewed pork and fried rice." I responded.

"No. I mean, have you eaten some angelic fruit? Kind vegetables? You look and sound different right now." Luke said.

"Stop!" Prim yelled.

"Don't start a non-sense talk. Let's do this investigation as soon as now." She added.

We all sat down as we brainstorm for our first move.

I quickly stood up as I began the talk, specifically the plan.

"What's the plan? Any ideas?" I asked them all.

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